Curse Eleven: The Tokyo-Kyoto Exchange Announcement

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Gojo Satoru stood atop a high-rise building, his trademark grin lighting up his face as he glanced at his watch and nodded to himself. It was time.

Down below, in a spacious training ground at Jujutsu High, Inumaki Toge, Panda, Maki Zenin, Yuji Itadori, Fushiguro Megumi, and Kugisaki Nobara gathered in conversation. Violet stood quietly beside them, patiently waiting for Gojo to make his appearance.

A shimmering distortion in the air announced Gojo's arrival, his entrance marked by his usual flair. The students looked up, some startled, others amused by his dramatic appearance. Violet couldn't help but chuckle a little. Gojo's entrances were always so uniquely him.

"Hey there, everyone!" Gojo's voice boomed, easily commanding attention across the training ground. "I hope you're all ready for some exciting news."

The group quieted down, curiosity evident in their expressions as they turned their attention to their eccentric teacher.

"In exactly one month," Gojo continued, his smile widening, "we're going to have a special event with our colleagues from Kyoto."

Yuji's eyes lit up with excitement, and Megumi nodded thoughtfully. Maki raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued.

"It's time for the Tokyo-Kyoto Exchange Event!" Gojo declared with a flourish. "A chance for all of you to showcase your skills, learn from each other, and most importantly, have some fun!"

Inumaki Toge, usually reserved, flashed a rare smile, clearly intrigued by the prospect. Violet observed everyone, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. She knew what lay ahead. She briefed Gojo on the event, realizing that Yuji's safety could alter their plans. Though Gojo hadn't met Jogo or Hanami, the elders shared the same goal: to eliminate Yuji.

"We'll have various challenges, matches, and collaborative exercises," Gojo explained enthusiastically. "It's an opportunity to strengthen our bonds with Kyoto and push ourselves to new heights."

Nobara grinned mischievously. "I wonder who Kyoto's strongest fighter is," she mused aloud, her competitive spirit already ignited.

"You'll find out soon enough," Gojo teased.

Yuji pumped his fist in the air. "Let's give it everything we've got!"

Megumi nodded in agreement, his expression serious yet determined. "It will be a good opportunity to gauge our progress."

Gojo turned to Violet, gesturing towards Panda, Inumaki, and Maki who were standing together a few steps away. "By the way, everyone, this is Violet," he introduced with a sweeping gesture. "She's a divine maiden from another world, and I'm currently training her while protecting her at the same time."

Violet inclined her head politely, her eyes meeting each of theirs. "It's nice to meet you, Maki, Inumaki, and Panda." Violet couldn't help but notice Panda's adorable appearance, resembling a panda yet not quite.

"News travels fast. We already know, Gojo-sensei," Maki said with a knowing smile.Inumaki nodded respectfully. "Nice to meet you, Violet-sensei."

"Nice to meet you, Violet-sensei!", Panda said cheerfully.

Violet's determination to protect everyone here and prevent harm grew stronger. They were all so welcoming and kind. How could she not care deeply for them all?

"Listen up, everyone," Gojo began, his tone unusually somber. "There's something important Violet and I need to discuss regarding the upcoming Tokyo-Kyoto Exchange."

Violet's eyes scanned each face, her gaze steady and somewhat worried. "It seems the principal of Kyoto Jujutsu High, along with some of their students, may be targeting Yuji," she added, her voice carrying concern, her fists clenched. She felt a pang of sadness for Yuji, just a kid caught up in all of this.

Yuji blinked in surprise, his expression shifting from confusion to deep concern. "Me? Why would they be after me?"

Gojo crossed his arms, his expression grim. "Some in Kyoto believe Yuji's existence poses a threat, especially because of Sukuna."

Megumi frowned thoughtfully. "What kind of threat?" he asked quietly.

"It's related to Sukuna," Gojo explained gravely. "There are those who fear Sukuna's power and see Yuji as a potential disaster waiting to happen."

Nobara's eyes narrowed, her hands clenched into fists. "So, they want to eliminate Yuji?""Not necessarily," Violet interjected calmly. "But they might take drastic measures to neutralize the perceived threat."

Panda spoke up, his concern evident. "What should we do, Sensei?"

Gojo sighed, his mind racing with strategies. "For now, we need to be vigilant. They won't act openly during the exchange, but we have to be prepared for any covert attempts."

Inumaki remained silent, his stoic expression betraying no emotion, but his eyes reflected determination.

Maki leaned forward, her voice edged with determination. "We won't let anything happen to Yuji," she stated firmly, her words echoing the group's sentiment.

Yuji swallowed hard, the weight of the situation settling heavily on his shoulders. "I... I understand," he said, trying to sound composed.

Violet placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, her touch gentle yet firm. "We'll protect you, Yuji," she assured him, her eyes meeting his with unwavering support. She already felt a strong bond with him, like a protective older sister.

With a nod from Gojo, the group dispersed, each lost in their thoughts as they prepared for the exchange event.

As they departed, Gojo and Violet exchanged a glance. "We'll keep them safe, Violet," Gojo reassured her. He could see her deep concern for everyone in Tokyo. For some reason, he couldn't bear to see Violet upset. He was determined to bring back her smile that he had seen once, even if it meant putting in extra effort.

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