Curse Ten: Review and Concerns

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Gojo Satoru led Violet away from the school grounds. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over their path as they walked together in quiet companionship. The higher-ups had requested to meet with them both, discussing Violet's progress since her arrival.

Meanwhile, under the shade of a large cherry blossom tree, Nobara Kugisaki, Yuji Itadori, and Megumi Fushiguro gathered. Their expressions were thoughtful as they watched Gojo and Violet disappear into the distance.

Nobara kicked at a loose pebble, breaking the silence. "So... what do you guys think of Violet-sensei?"

Yuji scratched his head, a contemplative frown creasing his brow. "She's different, that's for sure. But in a good way. I mean, how many people get summoned from another world? Plus, she took down that Special Grade curse in one move."

Megumi nodded in agreement, his gaze distant yet focused. "Her abilities are intriguing. Divine maidens were only ever bedtime stories told by the elders."

Nobara crossed her arms, a playful smirk tugging at her lips. "She's got guts, too. Standing up to Sukuna like that takes serious courage."

Yuji chuckled softly. "Yeah, I was worried when Sukuna started talking through me. But Violet didn't back down."

Megumi's expression softened with a hint of admiration. "She seems determined to protect others, even at her own risk."

Nobara nodded thoughtfully, her gaze flickering towards the horizon where Gojo and Violet had vanished from view. "I think she'll fit in just fine with us."

Yuji grinned, his usual warmth returning. "And she's already part of the team, right? Gojo-sensei wouldn't have brought her here otherwise."

Megumi nodded in agreement. "We'll support her as she adjusts to our world. She's not alone in this."


Meanwhile, Gojo Satoru and Violet found themselves seated on a secluded bench near a serene pond. The evening air was cool and calm, a stark contrast to the events of the day where they had discussed Violet's progress with the higher-ups.

Gojo leaned back casually, his blindfold catching the fading light as he regarded Violet with a thoughtful expression. "Today was quite eventful, wasn't it, Violet?"

Violet nodded, a hint of weariness touching her features. "It was. Meeting Nobara, Yuji, and Megumi was enlightening, to say the least."

Gojo chuckled softly. "They're quite the trio, aren't they? Full of surprises."

Violet managed a small smile, reflecting on the lively personalities and unique skills of her newfound companions. "They were welcoming, despite everything."

"They have a knack for making people feel at ease," Gojo remarked, his gaze drifting to the distant horizon. "But I noticed Sukuna's interruption didn't sit well with you."

Violet's expression grew serious, her eyes clouded with concern. "It was unsettling, Gojo. To see him speaking through Yuji like that... It reminded me of the dangers we face."

Gojo nodded gravely, his usually playful demeanor replaced by a rare moment of solemnity. "Sukuna is a formidable opponent."

"I won't let him intimidate me," Violet declared firmly, her voice tinged with determination. "I'm here to protect, not to cower. I will save everyone."

"I know you will," Gojo replied with a reassuring smile. "And you're doing a remarkable job, Violet. But remember, it's okay to feel unsettled. It shows you understand the gravity of our mission."

Violet sighed softly, grateful for Gojo's understanding and guidance. "Thank you, Gojo. I appreciate you for always encouraging me and never giving up on me."

"You're welcome," Gojo said warmly. "Just know that you're not alone in this. We'll face Sukuna together, as a team."

Violet feels like Gojo is her safe place in this world. He was her comfort character back home, and now he's her comfort person here.

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