Curse Seventeen: Finding Junpei

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Violet found herself standing outside Sato High School alongside Gojo Satoru. Their mission was clear: locate Junpei Yoshino before the cursed spirit Mahito could irreversibly twist his fate.

The school grounds bustled with students chatting and heading to their classes. Gojo, with his striking silver hair and blindfold, attracted curious glances from the students. Violet, on the other hand, exuded an aura of mystery that made heads turn. She had recently begun experimenting more with her attire. Her uniform ensemble combined traditional elements with contemporary style, ensuring Violet looked both dignified and approachable. The long skirt with slits allowed for freedom of movement.

"I sense a faint curse presence nearby," Gojo remarked, his eyes scanning the crowded courtyard. "Junpei should be around here somewhere."

Violet nodded. "Let's split up and search. We must find him before Mahito does anything more to him."

They dispersed into the sea of students, Violet navigating the corridors with a grace that belied her otherworldly origins. She soon spotted a young boy with messy dark hair sitting alone under a cherry blossom tree. It was Junpei Yoshino, looking lost in thought.

As Violet approached, her keen senses picked up on a group of older students who had gathered around Junpei. They were sneering and taunting him, their demeanors aggressive.

"Look who it is, the little crybaby!" one of the boys jeered, knocking Junpei's books out of his hands.

"Yeah, what are you gonna do about it, huh?" another chimed in, pushing Junpei roughly.Junpei flinched, trying to gather his scattered belongings while keeping his head down, clearly overwhelmed and unsure how to respond.

Violet's expression hardened as she saw the bullying unfold. She hesitated for a moment, assessing the situation.

"Hey!" Violet's voice cut through the air, commanding and firm. "Leave him alone."

The bullies turned to see Violet standing there, her gaze steady and unwavering. One of them, a taller boy with a sneer, scoffed. "Mind your own business, girly. This doesn't concern you."

"It does now," Violet replied coolly, her eyes flashing with determination.

The bullies exchanged glances, sizing up Violet and sensing the underlying threat in her presence. Reluctantly, they backed off, muttering insults under their breath as they dispersed.

Junpei looked up, startled and relieved to see Violet standing up for him. "Th-thank you..."

Violet offered him a reassuring smile. "Are you alright, Junpei?"

He nodded, though embarrassment colored his cheeks. "Y-yeah... I'm fine. Thanks for... stepping in."

"No problem," Violet replied gently, crouching down to help gather his books. "Let's get these picked up."

Together, they gathered Junpei's belongings in silence, the tension from the encounter gradually dissipating. Once everything was collected, Violet handed Junpei his books with a supportive nod.

"You don't have to face them alone, Junpei," she said softly. "There are people who can help you."

Junpei glanced at her, gratitude mingled with uncertainty in his eyes. "Why... why are you doing this for me?"

Violet's smile softened. "Because no one deserves to be treated like that. And because you're important, Junpei."

For a moment, Junpei said nothing, visibly touched by her words. Finally, he nodded gratefully. "Thank you. I... I appreciate it."

Violet nodded back, her resolve firm. "You're welcome, Junpei."

"Who are you? Why do you know my name?" Junpei asked.

"I'm Violet," she introduced herself calmly, taking a step closer. "I've been looking for you. There's something you need to know."

Violet shook her head gently, her empathy evident in her voice. "I understand that you're going through something difficult, be it those bullies or curses."

Junpei studied Violet for a moment, sensing sincerity in her words that resonated with his own turmoil. "Curses? What do you know about curses?"

"More than you might think," Violet replied softly, her gaze steady.

He looked away, a mix of fear and defiance crossing his features. "I can handle it. I don't need anyone's help."

Violet took a step closer, her presence calm yet determined. "You don't have to face this alone, Junpei. There are others who understand what you're going through, who can help you."

Gojo approached the area where Violet and Junpei were conversing. Junpei looked up, startled by Gojo's arrival, while Violet acknowledged Gojo with a nod.

"Found him," Gojo remarked casually, his hands in his pockets as he glanced between Violet and Junpei.

Violet smiled faintly, her demeanor calm yet determined. "Yes, we were just discussing a few things."

Junpei shifted uncomfortably, uncertain how to react to the sudden presence of another stranger. "Um, who's he?"

Gojo chuckled softly, his blindfold hiding the playful glint in his eyes. "I'm Gojo Satoru, a teacher from Jujutsu High School. We're here to help you, Junpei."

Junpei's eyes widened slightly at the mention of Jujutsu High School. "Help me? How?"

Violet stepped in, her tone reassuring. "We know about the curses that have been troubling you, Junpei. There are ways to deal with them, ways that don't involve facing them alone."

Junpei hesitated, unsure whether to trust these two strangers despite their earnest expressions. "I... I don't know."

Gojo crouched down casually, his presence somehow both relaxed and commanding. "You don't have to decide right now. But know that if you ever need assistance, Jujutsu High is a place where you can learn to control and protect yourself."

Violet nodded in agreement. "We want to offer you a choice, Junpei. It's up to you whether you want to take it."

Junpei glanced between Gojo and Violet, sensing their sincerity and the weight of their words. After a moment of contemplation, he nodded slowly. "Okay. I'll... consider it."

Gojo smiled warmly, a reassuring presence amidst the uncertainty. "That's all we ask. Take your time."

Violet placed a hand gently on Junpei's shoulder, offering him a supportive squeeze. "We'll be here when you're ready."

Gojo straightened up, his gaze sweeping over the courtyard. "Let's head back, Violet. We've made progress today."

Violet nodded, her gaze lingering on Junpei with quiet determination. "Yes, let's."

Together, Gojo and Violet walked away, leaving Junpei to ponder the choices laid before him. As they disappeared into the crowd, Junpei couldn't help but feel a sense of relief knowing that he wasn't entirely alone in his struggles anymore.

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