Curse Thirteen: Moonlit Confrontation

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"Gojo-sensei," Ichiji-san's voice came through, laced with urgency and concern. "Hanami has appeared. It's engaged in combat with Violet."

Gojo's breath caught in his throat. The news hit him like a sudden gust of wind, stirring a mix of shock and immediate worry for Violet's safety. Hanami—a Special Grade curse is now facing off against Violet, someone very important to their world and whom he cared for deeply.

"Where are they?" Gojo demanded, his voice firm despite the turmoil churning within him.

Ichiji-san quickly relayed the location where Hanami and Violet were locked in combat. Gojo wasted no time, his mind already calculating the fastest route to reach them. Without another word, he sprinted off, his steps swift and purposeful as he navigated through the moonlit forest and pathways.

As he approached the scene, the tension in the air grew palpable. The sounds of sorcery clashed fiercely, echoing through the quiet night. Bursting into the clearing, Gojo's eyes widened at the sight before him.

There, amidst swirling petals and flashes of arcane energy, he saw Violet engaged in battle with Hanami. Violet's divine abilities manifested in bursts of radiant light. Hanami, in turn, was a whirlwind of vicious attacks and relentless aggression, its monstrous form a stark contrast to Violet's serene appearance.

Violet's mind is calm when facing Hanami, something that surprises her. However, when she recalls being confronted in situations that scared her back in her world, she deals with them calmly. She really couldn't understand why.

In the midst of her battle with Hanami, Violet's heart skipped a beat as she heard Gojo's voice calling out to her from afar.


The sound of Gojo's voice echoed in Violet's ears. For a split second, Violet's concentration wavered as she turned her head, searching for him. Their eyes met across the battlefield.

Seeing Gojo safe and unharmed from his recent encounter with Jogo filled Violet with a profound sense of relief and happiness. It bolstered her resolve, igniting a renewed determination within her. With a deep breath, she channeled her divine power, drawing upon the ancient energies that flowed through her.

With a final surge of determination, Violet unleashed a devastating strike, her divine energy engulfing Hanami in a brilliant cascade of light. The curse staggered, its monstrous form faltering under the overwhelming force of Violet's divine power.

As the echoes of battle subsided, the clearing fell silent once more. Hanami, defeated and dispersed, vanished into the ether, leaving only a faint trace of cursed energy in its wake.Turning to Gojo, who approached with a mixture of pride and relief in his eyes, Violet couldn't suppress the smile that tugged at her lips. "We did it," she said softly, her voice carrying the weight of their shared victory.

"I never expected Hanami to sho-", before she could finish, Gojo closed the distance between them in a swift stride and enveloped her in a warm embrace.

Violet leaned into the embrace, feeling the strength and warmth of Gojo's presence surrounding her. She let herself be held, the tension and fatigue of battle melting away in the comfort of his arms. It was a rare moment. Violet would surely remember this. After all, it's not every day that your favorite comfort character from your favorite anime hugs you.

"Are you hurt?" Gojo asked, his voice soft with concern.

Violet shook her head, a weary but relieved smile tugging at her lips. "I'm fine," she reassured him, her voice steady.

Gojo exhaled deeply, a wave of relief washing over him at her words. "You were amazing," he praised sincerely, admiration shining in his eyes beneath the blindfold.

After a moment that seemed to stretch into eternity, they finally pulled back slightly. Gojo's smile was soft.

"Thank you, Gojo," Violet said softly, her voice tinged with emotion. "I couldn't have done it without you."

Violet was happy that her training with Gojo paid off, as well as the missions assigned to her with Gojo's help.

In all honesty, she was very nervous when Hanami showed up out of nowhere. This shouldn't happen at all. But then again, some things changed. However, Jujutsu sorcerers are the only ones who know of her existence, so how? Violet feels like she forgot something important.

As Gojo and Violet stood in their embrace , a voice broke through the tranquil atmosphere of the clearing.

"Gojo-sensei, Violet," Ichiji-san's voice called out respectfully but with urgency, interrupting their moment of quiet celebration. "The principal is waiting for both of you."

Violet's cheeks flushed.

Gojo reluctantly released Violet from his embrace, though his gaze lingered on her for a moment longer with a soft smile.

 "We should go," he said gently to Violet, his tone indicating the need to heed Ichiji-san's summons.

Violet nodded in understanding, a small smile playing on her lips despite the interruption.

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