Curse Sixteen: Blossoming Bonds

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Violet and Gojo continued walking down the hallways of Jujutsu High when they were soon greeted by the lively presence of Megumi, Yuji, and Nobara. The trio approached with smiles and waves, surrounding Violet with warmth and excitement.

"Violet-sensei!" Megumi greeted warmly, his usual stoic demeanor softening in her presence.

 "How did the meeting go?"

Violet glanced at Gojo briefly, silently thanking him for his support as she replied, "It went okay. The elders had some... interesting ideas."

Yuji chuckled, his infectious grin lighting up his face. "That's the elders for you!"

Nobara, ever the spirited one, stepped forward and enveloped Violet in a spontaneous hug. "You did great, Violet-sensei!"

Violet returned Nobara's hug gratefully, feeling a surge of affection for her newfound friends. "Thanks, Nobara."

Nobara pulled back, her gaze sparkling with mischief. "So, how about we celebrate with some shopping? There's this great new fashion district I've been dying to check out!"

Gojo frowned slightly, concern flickering across his features. "Nobara, maybe that's not such a good idea right now. Violet's identity is known by a group of special grade curses..."

Gojo was right.

Nobara waved off his concern with a dismissive flick of her hand. "Oh, come on, Gojo-sensei! We've handled worse. Besides, Violet-sensei deserves a break from all the serious stuff."

Megumi nodded in agreement, his expression serious yet supportive. "She's right. A little downtime could do us all some good."

Nobara turned to Violet with a mischievous grin, "Come on, Violet-sensei! You've got to show us your fashion sense. I bet Gojo doesn't even know you're into all that."

Nobara and Violet has been exchanging texts these past few weeks and they've grown pretty close.

Violet blushed lightly, feeling a bit embarrassed by the attention. "Well, I do like fashion and makeup," she admitted shyly, glancing at Gojo to gauge his reaction.

Gojo's eyebrows shot up in surprise, his usual confident demeanor momentarily faltering. "You do?" he exclaimed, clearly caught off guard by this revelation. "I had no idea."

Nobara giggled teasingly, nudging Gojo playfully. "See? You've got a lot to learn about our Violet here."

Megumi and Yuji joined in the teasing, chuckling at Gojo's bewildered expression.

Gojo recovered quickly, flashing a sheepish grin at Violet. "Well, you learn something new every day," he admitted, his tone light-hearted despite his initial surprise. "Alright then, let's go see what this fashion district is all about."

Nobara grinned triumphantly, linking her arm through Violet's. "Perfect! Let's go have some fun!"

---Gojo couldn't shake off the revelation about Violet's interests in fashion and makeup. His mind replayed Nobara's teasing words and Violet's shy admission, and he found himself smiling at the thought of her enjoying such ordinary pleasures.

"I had no idea you liked fashion and makeup," Gojo remarked casually as they walked, his tone thoughtful. "It's nice to learn more about you, Violet."

Violet smiled softly, grateful for his interest. "Yeah, back in my world, I always enjoyed experimenting with different styles," she explained, feeling a warmth spread through her as she shared this part of herself with him.

Gojo nodded thoughtfully, his gaze fixed ahead as they continued down the path. "Well, then, consider me your personal shopper from now on," he declared with a playful grin. "Next time we're out, I'll make sure you find everything you like. I want to see that smile on your face more often."

Violet's heart skipped a beat at his words, touched by his genuine desire to make her happy.

 "Thank you, Gojo," she murmured softly, feeling a rush of gratitude for his thoughtfulness.As they reached the door of Gojo's apartment, he turned to her with a warm smile. "You're welcome, Violet. It's the least I can do for someone as special as you."

Their eyes met, an unspoken understanding passing between them. In that moment, Violet felt a deepening connection with Gojo—a bond that transcended their roles as sorcerer and newcomer from another world.

Gojo promised to be her personal shopper, to ensure she found everything she liked. It touched her deeply, a simple gesture that spoke volumes about his attentiveness and care.

Violet walked back to her room that evening. She couldn't help but smile to herself as she replayed the day's events.

She thought back to their training sessions, the moments of laughter shared over meals, and now, the prospect of future outings where Gojo would strive to make her smile. It was a stark contrast to the anxieties and uncertainties that had plagued her upon arriving here.

"I'm glad he cares," Violet whispered softly to herself, a smile playing on her lips as she recalled Gojo's playful grin and earnest promises. "And I'm grateful for this chance to find happiness here."

With that thought in her heart, Violet settled down for the night, filled with hope and anticipation for the days to come.

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