Curse Fifteen: The Request

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The meeting room was adorned with ancient tapestries and illuminated by flickering candles, casting an otherworldly glow upon the assembly of elders seated around a polished wooden table. At the head of the gathering, the eldest among them, Elder Hakuryu, regarded Violet with a mixture of reverence and curiosity, his eyes betraying a deep-seated respect.

"Violet," Elder Hakuryu began solemnly, his voice carrying the weight of centuries of wisdom, "we have borne witness to the extraordinary potential of your divine energy. Your recent encounter with the special grade curses has only solidified our belief in your capabilities."

Violet listened attentively, her heart pounding with a mix of apprehension and pride. She had never sought to be revered as some divine being, yet the elders' regard both honored and unsettled her.

"We propose," another elder interjected, "that you undertake the purification of an entire cursed area using your unique abilities. Your power has the potential to restore balance and cleanse malevolent energies unlike any other jujutsu technique known to us."

Violet exchanged a hesitant glance with Gojo, who sat beside her with his arms crossed, his expression unreadable. She knew him well enough to sense his reservations, his protectiveness towards her still palpable despite the short time they had known each other.

"Elder Hakuryu," began Gojo, his tone measured but tinged with a subtle edge of disapproval, "I understand the significance you place on Violet's abilities. However, rushing her into such a monumental task is not only premature but potentially dangerous."

Elder Hakuryu regarded Gojo with a steely gaze, his demeanor unyielding. "Gojo Satoru, we appreciate your concern, but Violet's arrival has been nothing short of a divine intervention. She possesses capabilities that surpass our understanding—"

"Capabilities that should be nurtured, not exploited," Gojo interjected, his voice firm. "Violet is still adapting to this world and to her role as a Divine Maiden. Pushing her to purify entire areas before she's ready..."

He glanced at Violet, who sat beside him with a mixture of apprehension and determination in her eyes. She was grateful for Gojo's protective stance, knowing he cared deeply for her well-being amidst the elders' reverence for her powers.

"Elders," Gojo continued, his tone unwavering, "Violet's potential is undeniable, but her safety and growth must take precedence. We cannot afford to risk her well-being for the sake of expedience."

A murmured discussion ensued among the elders, their voices hushed yet filled with an undercurrent of deliberation. Violet held her breath, her heart racing with the weight of their expectations and Gojo's steadfast defense of her. Even back in her world, Violet was never good at speaking in these kinds of situations.

"Gojo Satoru," Elder Hakuryu finally spoke, his voice carrying the weight of authority, "your concerns are duly noted. We respect your commitment to Violet's development. Therefore, we shall defer the decision regarding the purification task until she has further honed her abilities under your guidance."

Relief washed over Violet as the tension in the room eased slightly. She stole a glance at Gojo, finding gratitude in his unwavering support despite his disdain for the council's approach.

"Thank you, elders," Gojo acknowledged with a nod, his expression revealing a hint of satisfaction at their decision.

After they left the meeting room, Violet sensed the tension still simmering within Gojo. His usually jovial demeanor was tinged with a quiet intensity, his steps purposeful as they walked down the corridors of Jujutsu High.

"Gojo," Violet began tentatively, breaking the silence that hung between them, "thank you for standing up for me in there. I really appreciate it."

Gojo sighed heavily, running a hand through his white hair. "You shouldn't have to deal with that kind of pressure, Violet," he said with a hint of frustration. "They treat you like some sort of savior from another world, but they don't see how overwhelming it can be for you."

Violet nodded understandingly, grateful for his empathy. "I know. It's a lot to take in. But I also want to prove myself, to show them that I can handle whatever they throw at me."

"I get that," Gojo admitted, his expression softening as he turned to her. "And I believe in you, Violet. Your power, your potential—it's undeniable. But they're so quick to forget that you're still learning, still adjusting."

Violet glanced up at Gojo, his features etched with a mixture of concern and determination."They see you as a powerful tool, a means to an end," Gojo continued, his voice tinged with bitterness. "But to me, you're more than that. You're my student, a friend... someone I care about deeply."

His words hung in the air between them, unspoken sentiments lingering in the quiet corridors of Jujutsu High. Violet felt a warmth spread through her chest, a reassurance that she wasn't alone.

"Thank you, Gojo," she murmured softly, touched by his honesty and sincerity. "I'm glad you're looking out for me." 

A faint smile tugged at Gojo's lips as he glanced down at her. "Always, Violet. I promised to guide you, didn't I?"

Violet never imagined that the great Gojo Satoru would ever be concerned about her. She feels happy knowing that.

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