Curse Twelve: Gojo vs Jogo

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The sleek black car cut through the streets of Tokyo, swiftly approaching the serene grounds of Jujutsu High School. Inside, Satoru Gojo maintained a focused expression, occasionally glancing at the passing scenery with a thoughtful gaze. Beside him, Violet sat gracefully, but her mind is clearly preoccupied. The impending arrival of Geto's team of Special Grade curses weighed heavily on her mind.

As they neared the school, a strong presence of a Special Grade curse began to permeate the air, confirming Violet's warning. Anxiety flickered across her face, a stark contrast to her usual calm demeanor.

"I need to get off here," Gojo declared abruptly, breaking the silence with an urgent tone. "Ijichi-san, please take Violet the rest of the way to school."

Closing the car door behind him, Gojo glanced back briefly, meeting Violet's gaze through the tinted window. Their eyes conveyed a silent understanding—a promise made and a duty to fulfill.

"Stay safe," Violet whispered softly, barely audible over the rustling leaves and distant chirping of crickets.

Gojo nodded, a solemn expression settling over his features. "I will," he replied with a reassuring smile, though his eyes conveyed the seriousness of the upcoming battle.

"I'm not sure when, but a Special Grade curse named Jogo will seek you out to eliminate you," Violet explained gravely. "He's dangerous, capable of speech and wielding immense power."

"A curse that can talk? He sees me as a threat," Gojo replied with a shrug, though his eyes betrayed the weight of the situation. "But I suspect his true aim is to disrupt the delicate balance and sow chaos."

"Yes, and it's not just him, Gojo," Violet continued, her voice steady despite the underlying worry.

"Who else is involved?" Gojo inquired.

"Special Grade curses named Hanami, Mahito, and... Geto Suguru," Violet revealed solemnly.

"But that's impossible. Suguru is dead," Gojo countered.

Violet began to explain how Geto had managed to return despite his supposed demise, emphasizing that a curse now inhabited his body. Given Jujutsu Kaisen's popularity, she emphasized the challenge of avoiding spoilers when manga updates were released.

Gojo fell silent for a prolonged moment, contemplating the implications. The curse's treatment of Geto's body was cruel. If no one could stop Sukuna, Gojo would face the same fate. Violet will never let that happen.

"Show them no mercy when you meet them, Gojo.", Violet broke the silence. She's looking at Gojo with worry and hoping he's alright.

Gojo glanced at her briefly, his expression unreadable behind his blindfold. He understood the gravity of her words.

"There's no need to keep them alive when I can tell you everything. There will be a huge plan that they will lead soon, and a lot of innocent people will die."

Gojo gripped his hand tightly. "I won't hold back," he replied firmly, his voice carrying a resolute edge. "But don't worry about me, Violet. I've faced worse than Jogo," he added, gently touching Violet's cheek. Violet had turned completely red, resembling a tomato. Despite that, she nodded slowly, her worry palpable yet tempered by trust in Gojo's abilities. "I know," she said softly, her eyes reflecting the depths of her concern. "But promise me you'll be careful."

A ghost of a smile touched Gojo's lips beneath his blindfold. "Always," he assured her, his voice carrying a hint of reassurance.

**End of Flashback**

"Gojo Satoru," Jogo's voice rumbled with a mixture of disdain and anticipation, its tone reverberating through the clearing.

Gojo's response was measured, his voice carrying an air of authority tinged with steel. "I'm here to put an end to this," he declared, his words a vow spoken with the weight of his promise to Violet.

The battle erupted with lightning-fast exchanges of cursed techniques, however, Gojo's movements were more fluid and precise, his mastery over infinity unfolding with each flick of his fingers. Jogo countered with raw power and cunning, the earth trembling under the force of his attacks.

In the midst of the intense clash, Violet's words echoed in Gojo's mind—show no mercy. He fought with unwavering determination, each strike aimed with lethal precision. Jogo staggered, his form faltering under the onslaught, before finally collapsing to the ground in defeat.

The clearing fell silent, save for the soft rustling of leaves and the steady breaths of the combatants. Gojo stood amidst the aftermath, his gaze turning skyward for a fleeting moment, his thoughts drifting to Violet and the promise he had fulfilled. Then, his gaze fixed on the defeated curse before him.

"One down. Three curses left," Gojo muttered to himself, his mind already calculating their next moves.

Violet had warned him that Hanami and Geto were nearby. Just as he was about to set off in search of them, his phone rang. It was Ichiji-san.

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