Curse Three: Cohabitation

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Life should be sweet and simple, Violet often thought, yearning for a tranquil existence untouched by the extraordinary events unfolding around her. Yet, fate had thrust her into Gojo Satoru's residence, a place she never imagined she'd be. The "elders," as Gojo referred to them, had insisted that the divine maiden remain under his protection.


"The divine maiden must be protected during her stay here," one elder had asserted solemnly.

"I agree. If we lose her, our hope of eradicating curses vanishes too," another had replied gravely.

"Who will safeguard her?" a third had pondered aloud, their voices echoing in the chamber.

Violet had stood silently, absorbing their discussion about her fate. They expected her to purify cursed objects and places, and assist sorcerers in exorcising curses. The responsibility weighed heavily on her lazy nature; she excelled at her job back in her world mainly due to its high pay, a stark contrast to the demands now placed upon her.

"What a silly question. Who else would be strong enough to protect her if not me?" Gojo's confident declaration had surprised Violet once again, supported by the elders who nodded in agreement.

"Wait! What if I don't want to be the divine maiden? Can't I go back to my world instead?" Violet had pleaded desperately with the elders, ignoring Gojo's presence.

"I'm afraid you cannot return to your world, Divine Maiden," one elder had replied solemnly. "You have no choice. This is a sacred ritual, and it has chosen you."

**End of Flashback**

Now, Violet found herself trapped in a world of curses, a reality she had never imagined. The thought of never seeing or hearing from her friends and family again weighed heavily on her heart. Though she hadn't been particularly popular in her world, the few genuine relationships she had meant everything to her.

She loved Jujutsu Kaisen and its characters dearly, but being thrust into this world was an entirely different story. She wasn't sure how the narrative she had admired would unfold now that she was a part of it.

"That's your room," Gojo's voice brought Violet back to the present, pointing to the door next to his own. "And here's mine."

Violet glanced around, surprised to find that Gojo lived in a simple apartment complex; she had expected a more traditional Japanese house, given the history of the Gojo clan as powerful sorcerers.

"What should I do now?" Violet's voice wavered with helplessness. She didn't want to accept that she might be stuck in this world forever, yet she wasn't ready to give up either. If she had to stay, she wanted to make the best of it.

"Why don't we sit down and talk? You must be feeling a lot of things," Gojo suggested gently as he settled onto a couch. Violet followed slowly, her expression blank and guarded. She couldn't muster a smile, her thoughts consumed by the overwhelming changes thrust upon her.

"Everyone keeps saying I'm the divine maiden and I have to purify curses, but how exactly am I supposed to do that?" Violet finally voiced her confusion, looking to Gojo for answers.

"Hmm... First, understand that divine energy was considered a myth until now. We know very little about humans who possess what you have," Gojo began, his blindfolded eyes intense as he explained. "That ritual... I never expected it to work. The elders are desperate, you see."

Violet nodded slowly, trying to grasp the enormity of her newfound abilities and responsibilities. "I understand that, but... do I just touch them to make them disappear?"

Gojo rose from his seat, his smile widening at her perceptiveness, earning an amused eye-roll from Violet. His laughter, though unexpected, was a comforting sound amidst her uncertainty.

"Yes, that's all you have to do," Gojo confirmed with a nod. "But it also means that physical attacks without curse energy could harm you."

Violet's worry surfaced visibly. "Exactly! That's why I'll train you in hand-to-hand combat so you can defend yourself," Gojo reassured her, his tone unwavering in its confidence.

As Violet listened to Gojo's assurances, he couldn't help but admire her resilience. He had seen many sorcerers crumble under lesser pressure, yet Violet faced her uncertain fate with a courage that surprised him. Her vulnerability and determination stirred something within him—a desire to protect her not just because of her role but because of who she was.

"Don't worry. During missions, I'll be your bodyguard. No one will be able to touch you," Gojo promised, his assurance grounding her with a sense of security she desperately needed.

Violet trusted Gojo's words implicitly; she had witnessed firsthand what he was capable of. "When do we start?" she asked nervously, her voice revealing a mix of apprehension and determination.

"Tomorrow," Gojo replied with a reassuring smile, his confidence igniting a spark of resolve within Violet.

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