Curse Eight: Unforeseen Paths

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The aftermath of the battle left Yuji Itadori alive, yet Violet couldn't shake the unease settling in her heart. This unexpected turn meant their journey was now diverging from the path she knew.

Gojo Satoru, perceptive as always, noticed Violet's concern. He approached her with a reassuring smile, his words carrying the weight of his confidence. "Don't worry, Violet. Yuji didn't die, which means we have the opportunity to change fate's course. I can handle Sukuna."

Violet nodded slowly, grappling with the implications of this divergence. "The change is drastic. Now, I can't predict what will happen next. Everything I told you is no longer guaranteed to come true. Sukuna wanted Yuji as a prisoner so he can use Yuji's physical form, but that didn't happen. Sukuna..."

"We'll deal with Sukuna as challenges arise," Gojo replied, his tone unwavering. "The important thing now is to stay vigilant and adapt to these changes."

Encouraged by Gojo's confidence, Violet resolved to trust in his strength and wisdom. However, Gojo had another idea to test Violet's abilities. He gestured towards a sealed Sukuna finger, securely stored in a containment vessel nearby.

"Violet, why don't you try exorcising this Sukuna finger?" Gojo suggested, his expression curious yet hopeful.

Violet hesitated for a moment, sensing the magnitude of the task. She approached the vessel cautiously, channeling her divine energy as she prepared for the exorcism. With focused intent, glyphs of light swirling around her in intricate patterns.

However, as Violet's divine energy surged towards the Sukuna finger, a powerful resistance met her efforts. The air crackled with tension as she strained against the malevolent presence contained within the finger.

"It's not working," Violet muttered, frustration etching her brow. "The curse's power is too strong."

Gojo stepped forward, observing Violet's struggle with a thoughtful gaze. "It's alright, Violet. Not every attempt will succeed on the first try. Exorcising Sukuna's fingers requires immense skill and control. You've only been training for a month. I'm confident you'll be able to exorcise Sukuna soon."

Violet nodded solemnly, withdrawing her energy and regaining her composure. "I understand, Gojo. I'll continue to train and refine my divine energy."

As they stood in the quiet aftermath of their experiment, the realization settled that their journey had taken an unexpected turn. The future was uncertain. Violet couldn't help but wonder how their choices would shape the fate of both Yuji and the world they sought to protect.

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