𝟐. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐬

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Each clan had its established territory, because being the dominant species among the others, they had earned their own reserved space. The rest of the clanless shifters lived in the central and largest city in all of Lilili-Yabbay. It was what they called Free Territory, where all the species lived together both in their human form and in their animal form.

The 13 Clans were on the borders and for each one, only shifters of that species could live there. You had to enter with a special permit, not everyone could cross its limits. It was adapted to the ecosystem that each species could support in its animal form, which were called clan niches.

The only general meeting space for the shifters of each clan was in the great headquarters of the 13 Clans, a structure of great importance, with great security, hidden from the general public. It was a special area, a fortress on its own where not everyone had access, only the highest ranking members of each clan could be there. The Fortress Attacca.

There was a military, technological force and since the 13 heads of each clan met there, it had to be well protected. The only way to get there was by helicopter or some kind of custom fast submarine. You could also get there by car, when it was a special occasion to go in convoys, the long bridge over the water was deployed, with the technology that the place had.

As in that day, in which the bridge was deployed so that the cars could cross in the direction of the dark and imposing building.

That day there would be an important meeting between the heads of the 13 Clans, although that was a special one. They would be accompanied by the 13 firstborns and future chiefs, young men who were still minors but who, when they turned 20, would begin their official training to lead the clans and maintain control and peace in Lilili-Yabbay.

The young boys were nervous because it would be their first meeting in that intimidating building. They would accompany their parents and then they would be taken to another room, just the thirteen of them, to do the Ritual of Presentation.

As firstborns, they would have to present their secondary gender first to prepare them as leading and dominant alphas.

Minghao was in the back of that elegant car, next to his father, an equally slender and graceful man with dark-streaked blond hair. Both father and son wore a black suit with the representative symbol of their clan, a unique gold insignia, the silhouette of the animal of their species attached to the coat.

The 16-year-old was looking out the window, the large body of water with its calm surface. That day the sky was cloudy and rain was coming. The large circle of the lake surrounded by trees blowing in the breeze made everything seem more serious, revealing that this day was different from the others. And in the middle, the dark building that showed the fortress.

Minghao liked the sun, he liked to run under it. That day he had to accept his fate and responsibility. He would introduce himself as alpha and start preparing to be the next head of his clan.

But fate knew better that it always had a different role to play. He already sensed it, but he never wanted to give voice to those thoughts.

[ ... ]

Mingyu came from a very united clan. His father was the most faithful representation of what it was like to be an alpha and the young man prepared to be one all his life.

With his tall height, suit and masculine beauty, no one doubted his secondary gender even if they didn't know he was the firstborn of his clan. Following his father who had his same warm eyes and prominent canines, people in the building greeted them, recognizing them immediately.

Their clan, like the rest, specialized in one thing more than the others that kept society running.

The Kim Clan were the watchmen and an important part of the militia, mainly in charge of the security of the city and the borders, so they recognized Mingyu's father, an important chief, a high-ranking general. Chief Kim next to his son, the future alpha who already had the bearing of one without presenting.

13 CLANS (SEVENTEEN) - engWhere stories live. Discover now