𝟑. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐬

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After the explanation of how they would carry out the ritual and giving them the necessary details to do it well, the alpha bosses stayed in the room, except for Chief Boo, who would give order to the 13 young boys and guide them in the rite

He asked them to follow him and each nervously looked at their fathers one last time, being devoid of secondary gender, because when they saw them again, they would not be the same.

They followed the head of the Hare Clan out of the room and crossed the hall in single file, used to their order of age, oldest to youngest, starting with Seungcheol and ending with Chan.

Junhui looked back over his shoulder to see Minghao, who had one hand grabbing his own shoulder, so he could tell that he was nervous or worried about something. The snow leopard knew his friend too well to read that in his gestures.

Why? They would just present as alphas, they shouldn't feel so anxious. In Jun's case, he was primarily disappointed. He didn't want to be an alpha, he didn't have any attributes of any of them. Junhui considered himself a beta at most, and God forbid him from even wanting to be an omega, even if that would suit him the best.

But he was the firstborn of the head of his clan and an omega had never been born as a leader, only alphas who could guide others.

Minghao seemed distracted, so he didn't notice that Junhui was looking at him, but before giving up trying to get his attention, the blond noticed that someone was observing him. A pair of dark eyes behind glasses, on him, sharp and direct, that still drifted away when Junhui caught his gaze.

The young man felt a drop in his stomach. Many things crouched inside him at that moment, and again what prevailed in Jun was disappointment. He turned his gaze forward. It didn't make sense to sink into the same old feelings; that day none of that mattered anymore.

What he wanted was not the same as what he needed. Or rather, what he needed was not equal to what his clan required.

They followed Minhyun through the dark hallways until they turned right and a red door opened. The adult stopped in front of it, moving to one side.

Seungcheol stopped and the young men in line did the same. Seungkwan moved his head to the side so he could see his father further up and hear what he was going to say.

Above the door that had been opened were some symbols in gold. Those of the secondary gender, alpha, beta and omega, engraved to show the function of that room.

"Everyone will enter, one by one, when I give the order. You will approach the container that we mentioned before and after presenting your secondary gender you will go to the door on the right to enter another room where you will wait until the last of you finish the ritual, in silence" the chief of the Boo Clan explained to them. "This is a spiritual area of the building, from this room the rest communicate, where the oracle is also, therefore, we ask for your respect and order."

Minhyun looked at the expectant faces of the boys and smiled at them to at least calm their nerves. He, like the rest of the alpha chiefs, had gone through the same ritual as their sons in the past.

"Choi Seungcheol, you go first."

He turned to the oldest of them all to start the ritual.

The oldest of the boys nodded; without looking back he entered the room without much preamble and the door closed on its own, leaving the other 12 outside and Minhyun as the only supervising alpha.

The rest only had to wait for their turn. Jeonghan would be next, and although on the outside he seemed so calm, on the inside he was nervous like the rest of the boys.

13 CLANS (SEVENTEEN) - engWhere stories live. Discover now