Chapter 32

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Ever since that accident with Sirius Black Fred accompanied Melanie to each of her lessons. She couldn't really complain as Harry had it worse. He was watched by teachers at all times, even at quidditch practice. They seemed to let him be when he was around Melanie. But it didn't really make her any less tense. At that point Harry went with her everywhere even to Snapes sessions.

"What he does to you is barbaric." Harry said to Melanie as she was trying to change a pebble into a budgie.

"Harry it's fine. I can mostly block him out now. It's just a bit embarrassing when he focuses on my memories of Fred." She shrugged.

"How's that going by the way?" Asked Ron who gave up a long time ago with trying to transfigure anything.

"You really want me to answer that?" She raised her eyebrow at him comically.

"Yeah on second thought I'd rather not know what you and my brother do behind closed doors."

McGonagall cleared her throat loudly and the two boys turned around in their desks facing the front.

"Come on Mel you just need to get the wrist movement right."

"Mione. I'm trying. I just can't think straight recently."

"You thinking about what Black said to you?" She asked but immediately regretted it. Harry abruptly turned around.

"What? He spoke to you and you didn't say anything?"

Melanie sighed heavily and put her wand down. "Thank you." She said sarcastically to Hermione and turned back around to Harry. "He called me Melania. Well it was sort of like a question. I don't know what he meant or who that even is. But it's been plaguing my mind ever since."

"Isn't it funny how you're not even from here yet you manage to get entangled in something that concerns the most dangerous murderer we've had in ages?" Ron exclaimed.

"Yeah. Hilarious." She muttered under her breath.

The class ended and the four of them hurried out to the corridor. Fred and George were already waiting for them.

"Ready for lunch Love?" Fred asked as he saw Melanie.

"Sure." She answered somewhat grumpily.

"Oh no darling why the frown?" He replied as he held her back from the group and rested his hands firmly around her waist.

"Just I've had a lot on my mind Freddie. I just need some space and quiet."

"Space from me?" He said sadly.

"No. Not you. Never you." She replied as she stroked his cheek softly and smiled.

"Good." He replied as he leaned down and kissed her.

They broke away from the kiss. They were about to head to lunch when Cedric appeared in front of them. He looked agitated. His jaw clenched slightly at the sight of Fred holding Melanie's hand.

"Shit." She muttered underneath her breath.

Melanie and Cedric haven't spoken since the day of the match. She figured out that by now he would know both about her and Fred and about her being different. The gossip surrounding her red eyes in the common room spread like wildfire and most of the school were now aware she was no ordinary witch. He walked up to the couple.

"Weasley." He said blankly.

"Diggory." Fred responded, Melanie felt his grip around her hand tighten ever so slightly. Cedric lowered his gaze at her.

"I think we need to talk." He said a bit softer, but his voice was laced with sadness and hints of anger.

She looked up at the two and let go of Fred's hand.

Fire // Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now