Chapter 34

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Madam Pomfrey wasn't happy as it was 2 hours past curfew. But when she saw Melanie's eyes and the state of Fred's arm she immediately sat him on an empty hospital bed and started tending to the wound. Melanie watched in shock as Madam Pomfrey pulled away the material of his shirt. Fred groaned slightly at the pain. Melanie's face went pale and she felt as if all the air escaped her lungs.

She had hurt Fred. The one person she cared about most. The circumstances in which it happened just showed Melanie that they shouldn't have been together. 'Thank God we actually didn't do anything' she thought. She watched as Madam Pomfrey put some healing paste on his arm. He wriggled uncomfortably as the paste seeped into his wound. Melanie could see the pain on his face and her heart broke at the thought it was all her fault. He looked up at her and was just about to say something but Melanie just shook her head as silent tears started streaming down her cheeks. She backed away from the bed and hurried out of the hospital wing.

"Not so fast Mr Weasley! You need to spend the night here."

"No I need to go see her she's blaming herself for this right now." He argued but Madam Pomfrey wasn't having any of it. She bandaged up his arm and came back with some sleeping draught. Fred looked up at her unhappily as she forced it into his hands.

"You need to rest Mr Weasley. Now bottoms up." She said firmly.

He reluctantly drank the potion and quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Melanie tossed and turned in her bed all night. Before returning to her room she went up to the astronomy tower to clean everything up. She brought down the rose with her and placed it on her bedside table.

In the morning Melanie hurried straight over to the twins room and knocked on the door. A sleepy George opened it and looked confused when he saw her standing in front of him.

"Don't tell me you left my brother up in the astronomy tower?" He asked jokingly.

"No. Actually I sent him to the hospital wing." She replied blankly. George chuckled lightly until he realised she wasn't joking.

"What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it. I just needed you to know where he is." She turned around to leave but was stopped by Georges hand holding her wrist.

"Mel." He said quietly. "Are you okay? You don't look well."

"I'm not well George. I just need to disappear for a couple of hours to think things through." She replied as she let herself free from his hold and made her way down the stairs.

George returned to his room and got dressed at record speed. He ran down to the hospital wing. It was too early for visitors but Madam Pomfrey knew better than to try and keep the twins apart. George pulled up a chair next to Fred's bed.

He examined his brothers face, he looked fine. He was sleeping peacefully. George leaned over him and pressed somewhat hard on Fred's arm. The sharp pain woke him up immediately.

"Ow! For Merlin's sake George." He groaned as he lifted his arm up away from his twin.

"You alright Freddie?" George asked concerned.

"I'd be better if you didn't put pressure on my injury you git." He replied still extremely annoyed.

"Sorry." He muttered. "What happened? Melanie didn't say a word."

At the mention of her name Fred sat up in his bed. "Is she alright? Did she look okay? I need to talk to her. Otherwise she's never going to forgive herself."

"Woah woah calm down. I'm pretty sure Madam Pomfrey will want to see you before you go. In the meantime tell me what happened, from the beginning."

Fred let out a sad sigh as he started undoing the bandages. "The night was going great. We cuddled and talked and ate the food I brought up. Then I wanted to show her that charm I was practicing."

Fire // Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now