Chapter One: Selene

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I woke up alone.

I've been waking up alone since Elain and Nesta Archeron appeared in my life. I had nothing against either of them. It's just Elain took up so much of Azriel's attention that I rarely saw him. It's like he simply stopped paying attention to me despite me accepting the mating bond.

Not that I particularly cared. I was busy doing what I needed to do. I've been going back and forth between Prythian and Elfhame, checking on my spies and helping oversee the High Court.

As for our sparring sessions, I've been training with Cassian instead. He was a great teacher. Extremely patient. He pushed me to my limits but never forced me to overexert myself. Azriel, however, pushed me to my limits and made me push my limits. I wouldn't mind it if I wasn't completely exhausted half the time.

When I wasn't sparring, checking on my spies, or overseeing the High Court, I'm either flying on Ares or reading alone in my room. Usually, it's the latter. I tossed out a few of my old books to make room for new ones.

I went to the mortal realms from Elfhame and bought a bunch of books I loved. I bought The Tempest, Romeo and Juliet, the Sinners Duet - There are No Saints and There is No Devil, and a few other classics - Pride and Prejudice, Dracula, Frankenstein.

It was strange to think I'd outlived and will continue to outlive most authors. I was probably alive when some classics were written. That thought disoriented me. How many of my favorite mortal authors will I outlive?

I shook my head, ignoring the thought. I walked out to a veranda and whistled. Ares came swooping down. I climbed onto his back and flew around the city. We kept high enough in the sky that no one would see us.

I liked flying on Ares' back. It was so much more satisfying than flying with my own wings. The rush of adrenaline could never be replicated.

I would protect Ares forever.


When I landed, Azriel was waiting in the shadows. I looked at him.

"Hello, Az," I said, dryly.

"Hello, Sel," he responded.

I felt like a tightly coiled spring, full of energy, waiting for something to set me off. I wondered if he knew I only distanced myself from him because I didn't want him to break my heart.

"Shouldn't you be checking in on Elain?"

"Are you jealous?"

"Maybe," I admitted. "Why would it matter to you?"

"You're my mate," he said. "Everything about you matters to me."

"Right," I responded, angrily. "And I don't wake up alone every morning."

"You've been avoiding me," he pointed out.

I scowled. "I wonder why."

Before he could say anything, I walked away.

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