Chapter Eleven

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I read the letter again.

Scream when you get them. I remembered from my readings that dragon mothers used to scream to hatch their eggs. I was tempted to scream just to see what would happen.

"What does it mean by 'Scream when you get them'?" Nesta asked.

"Dragon mothers screamed to hatch their eggs," I said.

"So whoever Noel is, wants you to hatch the eggs?" Rhys asked. "That seems like a terrible idea."

"It probably is a bad idea," I said. "But it couldn't hurt to try."

"You're going to get all of us killed," Cassian shook his head.

I shrugged and screamed. The eggs started to crack shortly after I finished. Little membranous wings poked out.


I cleaned up the mess left behind after I helped the dragon's out of their eggs.

They were so small. One was a boy and I named him Falkor. He was hatched from the red and green dotted egg. The other was a girl who I named Ryoko.

I took them back to my room, hiding them carefully. I had a feeling if someone touched my dragons, I'd kill them. They'd deserve it anyways. Most of these people are immensely corrupt. I'd be doing the world a favor.

Of course, most people wouldn't think that but who cares? I wasn't most people. I was Selene Scarlett Greenbriar. I didn't care about other people's rules. I did what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it.
I set the dragons down on my own bed and let them get acquainted with the area.

"So now we have two dragons and a wyvern," Azriel said. "Where the hell are we going to put them?"

"No idea," I admitted. "We'll figure something out. Perhaps we'll build a big enough house for them to stay in."

"I'm just concerned as to how we're going to feed them," Azriel muttered.

"We'll figure it out," I repeated, sitting next to him on the edge of the bed. "We always do."


We left the next morning after a recap of the information Tamlin gave us.

I took my dragons back to Prythian and wrote a note to Nikolai and Zoya explaining that I wouldn't be returning to the Little Palace for some time. I explained that I needed to prepare for the upcoming war against Hybern and that I need to focus more on physical training.

I managed to prevent my dragons from destroying my entire room. I decided to build them a cage but I knew they'd either outgrow the cage or simply destroy it. Either way, the cage was a temporary solution.

I started designing a house - for after the war. I designed it with massive rooms and landing pads for the dragons and for Ares. I made sure to add a stable for my dragons. When I was finished drawing, I rolled up the design and put it away. I had more pressing matters than designing a house for a future I might not even live to see.

No. I would live to see the future. I wouldn't die knowing I just hatched a set of dragons. What would happen to Ares if I died? Azriel would take care of him. That much I know. But is it worth it? Dying? No, it isn't. What would happen if Karyn found out I was dead? Would she mourn me?

Of course she would. She's my mother, after all. Isn't that what mother's do? I honestly didn't know. The one female that I thought was my mother was dead. There hadn't been time for me to mourn. I had to adjust to a different life.

Azriel was gone, spying on Hybern. I looked outside and saw that it was dark. From.the slant of the moon, I assumed it was around seven. My dragons slept on the beds I made for them in their cage. I walked to my study and grabbed some books. I plopped down on my bed and started reading.


It was around dawn when I went to sleep.

I had been so completely engrossed in my reading, I forgot to sleep. That and I was still adjusting to sleeping at night. Azriel woke me up two hours before noon.

"Morning," he said.

"Morning," I groaned, my voice husky from sleep. "When did you get back?"

"Just a few hours ago," Az said. "I'm surprised the dragons didn't wake you."

"I was up 'til dawn," I yawned.

"Ah," Azriel said. "Well, you need to get more rest."

He moved my books back into my study. I got up and bathed, brushed my hair, and changed into clean clothes. When I reemerged in the bedroom, Azriel was feeding the dragons.

"I put your food in the study so they don't get to it."
I walked into my study. Sure enough, there was a tray of food - oatmeal, toast, and tea. I poured two tablespoons of sugar into my tea and buttered the toast before eating it. I magicked the tray into the kitchens and walked into the bedroom again.

Azriel was still feeding the dragons and I smiled.

"Troublemakers, these two," Az said.

"Well, dragons aren't known for being domestic pets," I snorted.

"No, indeed," Azriel grinned, looking at me.

"We have to find somewhere to put them," I said. "Because they've already destroyed their cage. Twice."

Azriel sighed. "I'll see what Rhys can do."

And with that, he left.

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