Chapter Eight

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I adjusted quickly to life in the Little Palace.

I got the hang of my powers as a Corporalki quickly since I'd used them before. When it came to deciding which path I would take, I ultimately chose to be a Heartrender. I felt it was better for me. Honestly, it might have been the Illyrian in me. Either way, it was interesting to learn of all the ways you could hurt a person.

I winced internally at the thought. Definitely the Illyrian in me. I focused back on my work. It's been a week since I arrived here. I've been mostly learning how to kill using my powers rather than using a sword or a gun - another weapon I needed to learn how to use.

Thankfully, Nikolai was teaching me how to use a gun. I would need to make one myself when I went back to Prythian. Guns were technology that we did not have but we needed them. I asked Nikolai for a layout of how a gun is made and the different parts needed simply because I wanted to see if I could get them produced in Prythian.

I knew a female who was good at tinkering. She was from the Dawn Court and her name was Nuan. Nuan is the same female who created Lucien's mechanical eye. In fact, I was the one who suggested for her to make his mechanical eye. I told Tamlin about her.
I could give her an outline and help her work on the making of each part. It was only a week after Nikolai gave me the gun outlines that I heard a familiar voice in my mind.


Rhys?, I shot back.

We need to go home. Feyre's coming back.

I sat up so fast. I grabbed my red and black kefta and pulled it on before Rhys appeared in my room. We winnowed into Prythian, then flew the rest of the way back to Velaris.


When we arrived, Feyre, Lucien and the others had barely just arrived. I looked at Feyre.

"Selene," she beamed. "How are you?"

"Better, now that you're here," I joked.

Her smile slipped. "I heard about everything."

"I'm fine," I said, gently.

I was fine. Sort of. Okay, I definitely wanted to just curl up and cry about everything that's happened lately. The only reason I haven't is because I know it would be a waste of time to cry while the world is going to shit. I only needed to focus on what was necessary and get shit going.

I handed Rhys the blueprints for the gun.

"If you see Helion or a blacksmith give them this," I said. "It's blueprints for a gun. These could give us a huge technological advancement."

Rhys shook his head. "This will only anger Hybern more. It makes us look like the bad guys."

"Please," I scowled. "Anyone with more than one brain cell could see Hybern is in the wrong here. I want us to win."

"So you're proposing we create a weapon none of us know how to use?"

"I know how to use it," I countered.

"You and no one else," Cassian retorted.

"I could teach you how to use it," I snapped.

"Not when you're training to use your Grisha abilities," Rhysand countered.

"I'm already aware of how to use them," I argued. "All I'm doing is making sure I know how to control it."

"Do you ever stop working?" Rhys asked, genuinely concerned. "Because I'm beginning to notice that you're working way too much."

I didn't respond to that. Was I working too much? I thought it was healthy. I didn't think I worked too much. I thought working excessively was normal. I looked at him.

"I don't work too much," I said. "I work a perfectly normal amount."

"You missed dinner the other night because you were locked up in your office," Rhys reminded me.

"I ate after everyone left," I defended myself. "I'm not overworking."

"You are," Rhys insisted. "I refuse to watch you work yourself to death."

"Oh and I'm supposed to let you overwork yourself? Fuck that," I snapped. "Let me know when war comes."

Rhys didn't have a chance to respond because I winnowed back to Ravka.

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