Chapter 1

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Heatwave and Quickshadow are happily married and living in Fort Worth Texas. They are living a very good life. Things were going well for them. They were so happy to be together. They were meant for each other. 

"I am so happy and looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you," Heatwave said.

"I am happy too," Quickshadow said.

They bought a nice house. The house had a backyard. There was three rooms, and bathroom. They began to settle into their lives there.

Heatwave works as a firefighter and is very brave and strong. He has helped save many lives. He also works very hard too.

Quickshadow works as a pediatric oncologist at Cook Children's hospital. She is very kind and has helped many children fight their cancer. She is very kind and caring to her patients. 

They were very busy. They were very happy with their lives there. Soon they began discussing starting a family.

Heatwave and Quickshadow were over the moon when they found out they were going to have a baby. They were very happy about this. Heatwave's fellow firefighters congratulated him. Quickshadow's coworkers doctors and nurses a like at the hospital congratulated her.

Family and friends even began to congratulate them too. "Congrats Heatwave," Blades said.

"This is great news," Boulder said.

"This is most wonderful to hear," Chase said.

"Yes we are happy about this too." Heatwave said.

"We sure are," Quickshadow said.

They were both still doing plenty of work along with preparing for the baby. "Hello Quickshadow how are you doing today?" Ratchet one of Quickshadow's coworkers asked.

"I am doing okay," Quickshadow said.

"So things going alright with the baby?" Ratchet asked.

"So far so good," Quickshadow said.

"That is great to hear," Ratchet said.

Quickshadow was going to all of her doctor's appointments. She was really looking forward to the birth of her baby. Her tummy was beginning to grow. Both Heatwave and Quickshadow were getting more excited as time was going on. They knew their baby was going to be born very soon. They were really looking forward to the birth of their baby. They had a feeling their baby was going to grow up to be a very strong and brave person who would make a big difference in the world.

"I wonder if we are going to have a son or a daughter." Heatwave said. He was very curious and looking forward to having either a son or a daughter. Either one would make him happy.

"It doesn't matter to me as long as the baby is healthy," Quickshadow said. She was curious too, she would be happy with either one. But all that mattered to her is that the baby was healthy.

"Yes that is all that matters," Heatwave said. "As long as we have a nice and healthy baby that is all that matters," he said. "Because either one is fine as long as the baby is completely healthy," he said.

The two of them began to think of names for the baby. They were very busy getting everything ready. "There we go the nursery is all finished," Heatwave said.

"Yes we finished the whole thing," Blades said.

"Now that is done the baby will have a nice safe place to sleep," Boulder said.

"This is a wonderful room and I know any baby will be very happy with you," Chase said.

"I hope Quickshadow likes it," Heatwave said. "I am grateful you guys were able to help," he said.

"We were happy to help," Blades said.

"We sure are," Boulder said.

"It is good thing we are finished to because isn't Quickshadow about to finish her shift at the hospital?" Chase asked.

"Yes she is," Heatwave said.

Quickshadow saw the nursery. "Oh Heatwave it's amazing," Quickshadow said. "It is wonderful," she said.

They soon had a baby shower and a lot of meaningful gifts were given. Quickshadow and Heatwave were very happy and looking forward to the birth.

They were looking forward to the baby being born. They were very busy too. It was soon November and the baby was due at anytime now. Then on November 10th that time had arrived. They came to the hospital quickly and got all settled. Then about 8 hours later Quickshadow and Heatwave had a little boy. They named him Hot shot. They already loved him very much. "I am so thankful he is healthy," Quickshadow said.

"Me too," Heatwave said. "He is a wonderful and healthy little boy," he said.

"What do you think he will grow up to be?" Quickshadow said.

"Whatever he decides to be it is up to us to help him make it come true," Heatwave said. "Hot shot can be anything he wants to be when he grows up," he said. "He is a very wonderful child," he said.

"He sure is," Quickshadow said.

They soon brought Hot shot home. All of their family and friends were very happy to meet him. Hot shot was a very cute little baby. He had soft blonde hair like his mother and just like both of his parents he had big blue eyes. He was fine little baby. Hot shot was going to grow up to be a handsome boy.

Hot shot grew and grew. Hot shot was soon crawling, then walking and talking. He was growing into a very healthy and strong little boy. Hot shot was also showing to be a very active child. He loved to be on the move. He was like that from the moment he could crawl as soon as he figured out to move on his own he was eager to keep going. He was very playful too. As soon as Hot shot figured out how to run he was all over the place.

That made his parents very happy to see that. "Mummy, daddy I love you," Hot shot said to his parents on a regular basis. They all loved each other very much.

Hot shot began to learn a lot of things from his parents. Heatwave taught his son all about fire safety and how and when to dial 911. Hot shot was a very smart little boy and understood. Hot shot loved to learn about it. He was very clever too.

Quickshadow was at work sometimes and other times took care of Hot shot.

Heatwave his father was often busy at the firehouse.

Hot shot often had a baby sitter and he was used to it. Hot shot was a very happy child and very healthy too. Hot shot always loved to see his family and the family friends. The family came to visit on a regular basis. Hot shot and his parents also came to visit them too. Hot shot enjoyed visiting his family. It was nice to see them. They would play with him and they would do other cool things too.

His father's friend Boulder even made Hot shot a playset in the backyard. Hot shot loved it very much. "I love it!" Hot shot said. Hot shot had a lot of fun running, jumping climbing and playing on it.

Heatwave and Quickshadow were so happy Hot shot was growing into a healthy and playful child. They knew soon he was going to be starting school. They knew it was going to be hard to let him go to school for the first time but they knew it was part of Hot shot growing up.

Their lives were just perfect.

However soon things were going to change. This type of change is never easy but it can either break you or make you stronger. It is times like that when depending on family and friends are most important. 

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