Chapter 14

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Hot shot was still getting treatment for his cancer. It was now March and Hot shot was starting back on chemotherapy now that he had recovered from his brain surgeries. Hot shot was ready for it too. He was going be very brave. 

Hot shot was going to the infusion center in Cook children's with his mother. "I am ready," Hot shot said. Hot shot was bringing Roxy the rhino and his tablet. He even had his tablet's charger.

"I am glad to see you all ready to go," Quickshadow said. 

"I am ready to get back on chemo," Hot shot said. "I have had chemo since before my surgery," he said. "Why did I have to wait awhile after my surgery to get it?" he asked.

"Because your body needed time to recover from the surgery," Quickshadow said. "It helps the doctors get an idea of what is going on and how much longer you might need chemotherapy after the cancer is removed," she said. 

"Oh," Hot shot said.

Hot shot felt better now that his question was answered. Hot shot decided to were the knit hat with stars on it that his grandmum made. Hot shot was happy to have it. He was glad it was made nice and soft. His grandmum had a real talent for knitting. 

"This hat is my favorite," Hot shot said when he put it on.

"Well your grandmum will be happy to hear that," Quickshadow said.

"I hope to see her soon," Hot shot said. "I really want to see her now because I am sick and feeling like with how busy I am I will never see other people in my family again," he said.

"I can understand that," Quickshadow said. "But don't worry about that, she and your granddad are coming over next week and going to be here for two weeks to help us out for a while, and then after that for a two weeks granny and pawpaw are coming over for a while to help out," she said. "Then in April uncle Murray is coming over to help out," she said. "When summer rolls around Aunt Hightemp and uncle Blazeburn are coming over to help out and you will get to see your cousins," she said. "They maybe even coming to help out for a while even after your treatment is over for a while to help us get our lives to the track to get on to life after treatment," she said. 

"Oh okay," Hot shot said. "One kid told me at the hospital he was there because his cancer came back after his treatment ended," he said. "He told me if I beat my cancer there is a chance it could come back," he said. "Is that true?" he asked.

"Yes Hot shot it is true, it applies to kids, adults and animals with cancer," Quickshadow said. "They can all be cancer with the right treatment," she said. "But there is a chance that even if they get better the cancer can return, sometimes if the cancer returns the cancer needs to be fought even harder," she said. "Some cancers even if they relapse the treatment and beating it can be done easily," she said. "However some cancers are more aggressive if they come back," she said. "That means fighting them won't be easy," she said. "Because cancer cells even though they are naughty they are clever," she said. "They know how to change and adapt," she said. "So there is a fear for all going through treatment that the cancer can come back after treatment," she said. "But after treatment your team will still give you tests and check ups for years to come to make sure the cancer doesn't come back, but after five years of beating cancer it is less likely to come back," she said. "If someone goes 10 years without relapse they are considered cured." she said. "Just remember that fear is normal and it is going to be okay," she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. He felt better after talking about it. Then he got into the car and was soon strapped in his car seat. Hot shot was holding on to Roxy the rhino. Then Quickshadow started to drive the car to Cook Children's hospital.

Hot shot watched as things were going by in the car. "I hope I see my friends today at the hospital for my treatment," Hot shot said.

"There is a chance you might Hot shot," Quickshadow said. "Keep in mind you and your friends schedules are busy and tend to be always changing," she said. "So it isn't an easy task to keep things where you will always see them at the hospital during treatment," she said. "Or even see them at school as well," she said. "Just remember that even though you won't be able to see them at the hospital or at school, you can still facetime them, or call them on the phone," she said.

"Oh okay," Hot shot said. 

Hot shot once he saw he was at Cook Children's hospital he waved at Peaks the dragon. Hot shot got out of his car seat once the car was parked. Hot shot got out of the car and held his mother's hand as they went inside. Hot shot was happy to be going into the hospital to see his care team and friends.

Hot shot made it to the infusion center and they got checked in. Hot shot saw his friends there and he was very happy to see them. "Hi!" Hot shot said.

"Hi," they said.

Hot shot sat down in a comfy chair and a nurse named Nathan took some blood. Then took the blood to be tested. Hot shot waited for a bit and played on his tablet. Then Nathan came back with some medicine. "Here you go Hot shot this will help with the side effects," Nathan said.

"Thank you," Hot shot said. Then Hot shot took the medicine. Hot shot waited while Nathan was going to go get his chemotherapy. Hot shot knew it might be a while so he kept busy. Then a couple of hours later Nathan came in with his chemotherapy. Hot shot watched as Nathan washed his hands and got the pump ready. Then washed his hands again and then hooked the IV line to the Hickman line and opening the clamp of the Hickman line that was attached the IV line. Hot shot was soon watching as the medicine began to slowly drip into his Hickman line. 

Hot shot not was going to be able to relax while getting his medicine. Hot shot got to play on his tablet, listen to music, watch videos, play with Roxy the rhino, talk to his friends and other kids in the infusion center. Hot shot loved to come to the hospital to spend time with his friends. Hot shot even liked to come and see his care team. 

Hot shot didn't just come to the hospital for treatments. He also came to get tests and scans done, along with also getting check ups. Hot shot was very busy a lot of the time. 

Hot shot was soon done with chemotherapy and had to come home. Hot shot was happy to be home after chemotherapy. Hot shot was able to rest and relax now. His parents made sure he was comfortable. 

"Mummy can I have some orange juice?" Hot shot asked.

"Of course Hot shot," Quickshadow said. She got Hot shot a cup of orange juice. Then handed it too him.

"Thank you," Hot shot said. Hot shot was watching a movie quietly while resting. A bit later Hot shot felt kind of sick and didn't feeling like eating again. Hot shot just wanted to drink his juice. Hot shot just felt like he was going to vomit if he ate anything solid. 

"I don't want to eat," Hot shot said. "I think I am going to throw up if I eat something like that," he said when his mother offered him a sandwich. 

Quickshadow knew because of his treatment there were times when Hot shot didn't want to eat. It was normal and she was okay with it. She just hoped he could handle it. Because even though nutrition interventions were common, they could be a bit scary for the parent and the child. She was wondering if it came to that how Hot shot would even handle it.

But for now Hot shot seemed to be doing okay. Hot shot was going to keep being brave through out his treatment no matter what. 

Our Brave Little Hero Hot shot and BFFS Vs Brain TumorWhere stories live. Discover now