Chapter 9

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Today is Hot shot's first day of chemotherapy. Hot shot was kind of nervous about it. But he was ready to be brave. "I know I am starting chemotherapy today," Hot shot said. "Chemotherapy is a big word," he said.

"Yes chemotherapy is a big word," Quickshadow said. "It is also called chemo for short," she said.

"Oh," Hot shot said. "I know what to expect from chemo, but I am still kind of scared," he said.

"That is okay," Quickshadow said. "There is no shame in being scared," she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. Hot shot was looking for something. "Where's Roxy?" he asked. Hot shot had forgotten where Roxy was. Hot shot's memory was a little affected by the radiation treatment after first and it was still recovering and his tumor was also making it hard to remember stuff too. 

"She's right beside you on the bed poppet," Quickshadow said. 

Hot shot looked and saw his rhino sitting there. "Oh I knew that, kind of," Hot shot said. "Mummy it's hard to remember things at time," he said.

"Everyone has trouble remembering things sometimes Hot shot," Quickshadow said. "But thing is brain cancer and treating with radiation and chemotherapy, can make it hard to remember things," she said. "Even the stress, anxiety, fear, worries, and not enough sleep due to having cancer can affect your memory," she said. "It is normal," she said. 

"Okay," Hot shot said. "But I forget what I am saying or what I just heard, or where I just left something, or what I was just doing," he said.

"That can happen," Quickshadow said.

"But it makes me upset not being able to remember at times," Hot shot said.

"I can understand that completely," Quickshadow said.

Hot shot watched the video on memory loss as a nurse named Marcus took some blood from his central line. Hot shot learned that his brain can store information it learns as has learned so it could be remembered later. He learned the problem with cancer and treating can make it hard to remember. He could forget little things, like something he just said or heard a moment or go. He learned it can be frustrating and embarrassing. But he had no need to be embarrassed his family, friends and care team will understand. When talking or listening focus on one thing at time, ignore distractions and repeat things that he hears. He can also have things written down, make a list, make sticky notes, or even draw pictures to help him remember. He can even play game that is meant exercise his brain to get it to think. He shouldn't be too hard on himself either because everyone forgets sometimes. That made Hot shot feel better about what is happening. 

Hot shot soon saw Marcus return with some medicine. "This medicine will help with the side effects of the chemotherapy," Marcus said. 

Hot shot took the medicine like he was supposed too. "Very good," Marcus said. "It will be a couple of hours before the chemotherapy is ready," he said.

"Why that long?" Hot shot asked. 

"Because chemotherapy by IV has to be made when a patient is decided able to have it by their medical team." Marcus said. "So it must be made fresh so it doesn't go to waste," he said.

"Oh okay," Hot shot said. 

Hot shot was able to wait a bit for chemotherapy to start. Hot shot was very curious about what was going to happen. Hot shot was ready to be brave for it. Hot shot soon saw Marcus come in with medicine. One was in a bag, and the second was in a bottle. 

"Okay Hot shot time for chemotherapy," Marcus said. "One is oral, you will take this at home when you get out of the hospital still," he said. "The other is by IV you will normally have this one in the hospital infusion center if it is an out patient procedure," he said. "You will have other ones by IV too, you may have different ones on different days," he said. "Some days like today you will have more than one," he said.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

First Marcus washed his hands and then set up the pump and IV. Then washed his hands again and then hooked up the line of the IV to Hot shot's Hickman line. He opened the clamp on Hot shot's Hickman line that was attached to the IV and then started the pump. The medicine began to drip into the Hickman line.

"There you go Hot shot all set up," Marcus said. Then he gave Hot shot his dose of oral chemotherapy. 

Hot shot took the medicine. "Yucky," Hot shot said.

"Yes it is very yucky," Marcus said.  "Now you can do whatever you like," he said. "The IV pole with your IV chemotherapy can move so you can do things that you enjoy," he said.

"Cool," Hot shot said.  "I want to have a look around," he said.

"You can do that," Marcus said.

Hot shot began to explore parts of the hospital with Quickshadow. There was a lot to see. There were playrooms with toys and games. There were playgrounds too. There was also a hair salon, a food court with a Chic-fil-a and a frozen yogurt place. There was even a gift shop and build a bear. Hot shot was finding all of this to be pretty cool. 

"This place is amazing," Hot shot said.

"Yes Cook Children's is a wonderful place Hot shot," Quickshadow said. "It is a place for families and children get good care from doctors and support." she said. "The people here are really good at what they do," she said.

Hot shot saw something at the build a bear that he liked. Hot shot saw Peaks the dragon was there and he wanted it. "Can I have it please?" Hot shot asked.

"Of course," Quickshadow said.

"Oh boy!" Hot shot said. Hot shot was really happy about this he was really looking forward to having his own plush dragon. 

Quickshadow was happy her son was happy. 

Hot shot even got to go to Chic-fil-a for lunch. He even got to go to Zooti Frooti for dessert. Hot shot was very happy to be having a good day at the hospital.

"I am having a lot of fun today," Hot shot said.

"I am glad you are having one of your good days," Quickshadow said. She meant it too. She preferred Hot shot to have his good days than his bad days. It was hard to see him on his bad days. Because she loved him, he was her only son and child. 

"I don't like my bad days when I have them," Hot shot said. "They tend to be hard and bit scary and lonely," he said.

"I can understand that," Quickshadow said. "They are also hard on your father and I," she said. "it is because we love you," she said.

"I love you too mummy," Hot shot said.

Hot shot was soon back in his room. The pump bleeped and Marcus came in. The bleep meant the bag was empty and Hot shot's chemotherapy was done for the day through the IV. "You will have more chemotherapy tomorrow Hot shot," Marcus said.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

Then Hot shot had to take more medicine that day. Hot shot whenever he had to take medicine at night he didn't like it too much. But the doctors and nurses normally made it quick during that time. That way Hot shot could go back to sleep.

Hot shot was going to keep being brave and face his cancer head on. He was going to keep fighting hard.

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