Chapter 5

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Hot shot is in Cook Children's hospital. Hot shot has a type of brain cancer called choroid plexus carcinoma. Hot shot has been in the hospital for about four weeks. Hot shot's parents Heatwave and Quickshadow have been taking turns spending time with him. Hot shot wasn't too happy about seeing either of his parents leave.

Hot shot's child life specialist Skylar gave his a string with his name made with beads when his was first diagnosed. All them meant something. One bead represented being diagnosed. He has a bead for surgery. Some beads represented an MRI. A couple of beads represented a lumbar puncture. Some beads represented the nights he spent over night in the hospital. Even had some for bravery. Hot shot was told he was going to get more beads. Some beads were going to be for radiation when he starts it and other will be for chemotherapy when he starts it. Some will be for blood transfusions whenever he gets one. He will even get a bead when something special happens during treatment. Hot shot found the beads to be pretty cool and he liked to collect them. 

Hot shot also sometimes had to be alone. Hot shot didn't like that too much. Sometimes he had to be along for about a few hours when getting tests done and his parents had to talk to the doctors. Hot shot wasn't happy about it. Hot shot was also missing home too.

Hot shot's father was here today. Hot shot was happy he was there. Hot shot was going to start treatment in a couple of weeks. Hot shot was very nervous about it. "I am worried about starting treatment," Hot shot said.

"I can understand that," Heatwave said. "Even grown ups with cancer get nervous about starting treatment," he said.

"I also want to go home," Hot shot said.

"Your mother and I want you home too," Heatwave said. "But we have to wait until the doctor says you can go home," he said. "You need to be patient," he said. 

"I have been trying but I really miss home," Hot shot said.

"We miss having you home to Hot shot," Heatwave said. "But due to things changing because you got a brain tumor things are changing still, the normal has gone away and now we have a new normal we have to get into," he said.

"But why do things have to change?" Hot shot asked.

"This is just the way things are son, change is a constant thing in the world," Heatwave said. "Some change is good, like when a man and woman get married and live happily together, or when two people become parents are happy to raise their child, or when a child starts to grow up and go to school," he said. "But some change is bad, like when someone gets fired due to budget cuts, or when a fire burns down someone's home, or when you are someone you love gets cancer or another serious change to their health," he said. "During whatever change happens is when families and friends need to stick together the most," he said. "Because they love each other during these times especially during the bad change is when love and support are needed the most," he said.

"I am kind of scared that this happened," Hot shot said.

"I know you are son," Heatwave said. 

"I am also sad that it happened too," Hot shot said. "I feel like why did this have to happen to me?" he asked.

"I know you feel that way and I know you are sad too," Heatwave said.

"I also feel angry too," Hot shot said. "It's just not fair!" he shouted.

"I know you are angry and I know it's not fair," Heatwave said. "But the sad thing is life isn't a fair thing," he said. "Cancer from what I learned doesn't care who it strikes, I can tell from things I have seen online from stories, videos on the news, and from people I know who got the illness or had a loved one affected by it," he said. "It is very hard," he said.

"I feel so confused," Hot shot said. "It's like I am always wondering how did this happen and how I got it," he said.

"I can understand that completely son," Heatwave said. "Many adults who get diagnosed with cancer feel the exact same way," he said. 

"I feel like it is all too much, and a lot is going on like feel like some much is going on I don't know how to handle it all," Hot shot said.

"That is called feeling overwhelmed," Heatwave said. "Many feel that way for many reasons, and being very sick can be one of them," he said.

"I also feel so numb and in shock," Hot shot said.

"That is normal too," Heatwave said. 

"I feel so alone at the moment," Hot shot said. "I know you and mummy are here for me, but I still feel alone," he said.

"Well you are not alone, according to your mother, thousands of children around the world have brain tumors too, so you are not alone," Heatwave said. "The rest of the family along with family friends are here for you too," he said. "Because we love you," he said.

"I feel all of these feelings that are twisting around inside me," Hot shot said.

"That is normal to have many feelings that is going on right now," Heatwave said. "All of us feel many things right now due to you having cancer," he said. "Because the ones who love you they also experience big feelings," he said. "Cancer affects everybody along with the person who has it. It is hard on the person who has because they are sick, it is hard on the people who care about them such as friends and family because they love the person who is sick," he said.

Hot shot never thought of that. Hot shot was wondering about things now. Hot shot decided to watch more Imaginary Friend Society videos. He watched the video about feeling sad. It helped him realized feeling sad is alright. Feeling sad is part of life and it is normal to feel that way. He should acknowledge the sadness and ride it through. He should express himself and share his feelings too, in order to feel better. Hot shot felt better after watching the video. Hot shot watched the video on feeling angry. He learned it is okay to feel angry. He learned it feels good to let his anger out. He learned not to bottle up anger. There were ways to let anger out such as talking to friends, family, or a doctor. He could also yell into a pillow too. He could even play games. Hot shot felt much better after watching the video. Hot shot then watched the video on being scared. Hot shot learned that being scared is part of life. He learned everyone feels scared at times. He learned you get brave after you do something scary. You feel stronger after you do it. He will come out stronger at the end of doing something scary. Hot shot felt much better after watching it too.

Hot shot was going to be brave and strong when treatment starts. He was going to be very good about sharing how he was feeling with his family and care team. Hot shot was going to be ready for it too.

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