Chapter 10

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Hot shot was one his cancer treatment and his was feeling many of the side effects. Hot shot knew he was going to lose his hair to the cancer treatment. Hot shot was watching the video on losing your hair from the imaginary friend society. Hot shot learned it is different for everyone of when and how quickly it falls out. Hot shot learned he might just lose only a little hair, or his hair might thin out slowly, or his hair will all fall out really fast. He might even lose his eyebrows and eyelashes. Hot shot learned there all kinds of hats, bandanas and scarves he can wear, any kind of hat can work. He can also do wigs too, he can have more than one wig too, so he can try on different hair styles and colors on different days. He can even have wig that looks the way his hair was before. Or he could just be himself and not where anything. He learned there was no right or wrong way to do it. It would be fun to experiment with what he could do.

"Mummy I like the hats and bandanas the family sent me," Hot shot said. "But I am not sure of what I really want to do when I lose my hair," he admitted. "I know some like to wear wigs which is cool, and hats are great too, as are the bandanas, but being me without hair sounds great too," he said. "But I don't know which to do," he said.

"That's okay," Quickshadow said. "Many don't know what to do at first," she said. "That is why it is great to experiment to find what you like," she said. "Some kids from what I have seen do more than one thing when they lose their hair," she said. "What you do it up to you poppet," she said. "Because it is your body, you chose how to express style with it," she said.

"I have been having chemotherapy for almost a week and I am getting all itchy on my head is that normal?" Hot shot asked.

"Yes some kids do feel itching when it does happen," Quickshadow said.

On Sunday when Hot shot was beginning to have a short break from chemotherapy. He noticed his hair was starting to fall out. "I thought Skylar told me hair loss doesn't begin until two weeks after treatment," Hot shot said.

"Well Hot shot some kids get hair loss sooner rather than later," Quickshadow said. "Some it happens much later, it is different for everybody," she said. "It is normal to feel upset about this," she said.

"I am just surprised I didn't know mine would fall out so soon," Hot shot said. His hair was falling out in clumps. "It is getting everywhere," he said as he saw clumps and strands of his hair on his bed, pillow, hair brush and other things. 

"Yes it kind of does," Quickshadow said. "That is normal," she said.

Hot shot soon noticed on Tuesday the rest of his hair had fallen out. Hot shot even noticed his eyebrows and eyelashes had also fallen out too. Hot shot was completely bald. Hot shot knew this was going to happen. He was feeling okay about it. Hot shot knew that this was going to help him get better. Hot shot was going to be very brave and strong through it all. 

Hot shot was kind of upset that he was going to have to spend Christmas in the hospital. Hot shot was wanting to be home. Hot shot was sad that he was going to have to stay a long time in the hospital. Hot shot didn't even know how long he was going to have treatment. But Dr. Zhao told him it is different for everyone, even with people who have the same type of cancer. She says it depends on the person and how the person's own cancer responds and if more treatment that is more aggressive is needed. 

"Hot shot your cancer needs more aggressive treatment due to it's grade and the fact you will need more surgery to make the remaining tumor and the tumor that had spread easier to remove," Dr. Zhao said. "You will need more treatment after that for a while to help kill off any remaining cancer cells," she said. "We need to do this to make sure the cancer goes away and stays away," she said.

"Stays away?" Hot shot asked. "You mean it might come back when treatment ends?" he asked.

"Yes there is a chance when a person gets better from cancer the cancer can come back," Dr. Zhao said. "Some times after a person beats one kind of cancer they get a different kind of cancer, it might be of the same body part or a different body part completely. This is what is called a secondary cancer," she said.

"One older kid told me some people with cancer don't get better and die," Hot shot said. 

"Yes Hot shot some people with cancer don't get better and die," Dr. Zhao said.

"Is there a chance I won't get better?" Hot shot asked.

"There is a chance you won't get better, as with almost everyone who is diagnosed, even with cancers that are highly treatable people can die from it." Dr. Zhao said. "But the import thing to remember is if that does happen you will no long be in pain and no more suffering for you," she said.

"Oh," Hot shot said.

"But another thing to remember is cancer treatment has come very far and many people, adults and kids a like are fighting their cancer and winning," Dr. Zhao said. "Then they go back to their lives, and live a normal life afterwards," she said. "Many kids and adults with brain cancer may have some lasting affects of their treatment due to how delicate the brain is, but they can still live a happy life after treatment," she said. 

"I want to get better," Hot shot said. "I am determined to get better, and I will get better too," he said.

"That's the spirit," Dr. Zhao said. She was very proud of Hot shot remaining brave and being determined to fight.

Hot shot was going to keep fight his cancer and he was going to win this fight too!

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