Chapter 8

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Hot shot is waiting for his chemotherapy to start. Hot shot has just finished his radiation treatment. Hot shot was going to wait until he has rested and recovered enough from the radiation treatment. Hot shot has been waiting since October. It was now the last week of November and Hot shot was getting ready to go to the hospital. Hot shot was going to have to stay in the hospital for a while. "How long do I have to stay in the hospital?" Hot shot asked Quickshadow.

"Dr. Zhao said it could be at least 3 months to 4 and 1/2 she wants to keep you there for a while to keep an eye on you," Quickshadow said.

"That sounds like a long time." Hot shot said.

"I know it is a while but it will help you get better," Quickshadow said. "I know it will be hard to be in the hospital for a while, but there will be things you can do in the hospital while getting treatment," she said. "You can also bring things to do as well." she said. "We are making sure your bag as all packed up and ready to go," she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. They made sure the bag was packed with a few things. Hot shot watched the video on long hospital stays. Hot shot learned he should pack comfy clothes, a pillow, blankets, things to do, and pack photos of loved ones. Hot shot was glad he learned what to pack and he was soon ready to go.

Hot shot made sure to get his shoes on. Then he followed his parents to the car. Hot shot got into his car seat. Hot shot was now ready to go to the hospital.

Hot shot was watching as things were passing by. Hot shot saw there were many things to see on the way there. Hot shot was wondering what was going to happen. Hot shot knew he was going to start chemotherapy soon and he was nervous about it. But he was ready to be brave. 

Hot shot soon saw Cook Children's come up. Then Hot shot waved at Peaks the dragon as they passed by him. Hot shot soon got out of the car as soon as it was parked. Hot shot followed his parents inside. Hot shot and  his parents got checked in. Hot shot then got a bracelet with his name on it. It would let everyone in the hospital know who he is.

Hot shot then followed his parents to the oncology unit. Then he got settled in his bed. Hot shot was happy to be there. Hot shot placed his toys and pictures in places around the room. Hot shot then sat on his bed with Roxy the rhino.

Dr. Zhao and nurse Kylie came to check on him. "Good morning Hot shot," Dr. Zhao said.

"Hello," Hot shot said.

"How are you feeling today?' Dr. Zhao asked.

"Okay I guess," Hot shot said. 

"Well we will do some tests this week and then start chemotherapy," Dr. Zhao said.

Hot shot had many tests to do today. Hot shot had to get an MRI and he stayed very still for it too. Then Hot shot got a lumbar puncture to check his spinal fluid. Hot shot didn't like that too much at all. Hot shot was hoping things were going to be okay eventually. Hot shot hated it whenever it came to needles. 

Hot shot also had medicine he needed to take too. "Okay Hot shot time for some medicine," nurse Kylie said.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

Hot shot took his medicine without a fight. Hot shot even had his meals too. Then Hot shot soon went to sleep for the night. Hot shot had to be woken up by the nurses to check on him. They did it to check on his vitals. 

Hot shot would also have to take medicine at night at times. "But I want to sleep," Hot shot said.

"I know you do," said a nurse named Tucker. "But we will make it quick," he said.

Hot shot took his medicine. "Very good job," Tucker said.

"Thanks," Hot shot said. Hot shot was soon falling asleep once again. Hot shot's week at the hospital was a but of tests at the moment.

Then Dr. Zhao came into his room. "Hot shot you are going to be starting your chemotherapy on Monday, you will be getting it four days every two weeks," Dr. Zhao said. "That way we can do our best at getting the cancer and making it go away," she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. "How long will I need chemotherapy for?" he asked.

"Maybe a few months or maybe several months or maybe a year or over a year," Dr. Zhao said. "Everyone is different," she said. "It depends on how you cancer responds to the treatment," she said. "Even some with the same type of cancer some need treatment for shorter and others need it for longer," she said. "It depends on a lot of things," she said.

"Oh okay," Hot shot said. Hot shot felt better after talking to Dr. Zhao. Hot shot was soon watching the video about chemotherapy from the imaginary friend society. Hot shot learned that lots of kids get nervous about chemotherapy in the beginning. He had to remember that chemotherapy is a very important medicine that can help him in the long run. He learned that chemotherapy destroys cancer by stopping the growth of cancer cells. Cancer cells are bad guys and chemo is a hero that is going to defeat them. Chemotherapy comes in many forms, but is usually given by IV, or by central line, or by pill. After chemotherapy he might get a stomachache but he will be given medicine to help him feel better. The chemotherapy is very strong and it makes people's hair fall out. But his hair will grow back once chemotherapy ends. He can experiment with his look until then. Hot shot learned he will feel sleepy after chemotherapy and need to rest. During outpatient stays he needs to take it easy while his parents and family help him out with things and bring him what he needs. Hot shot felt better about watching the video. He felt that he was going to be okay. Chemotherapy did sound a bit strange though. 

He saw Dr. Zhao again a bit later who was checking on him. "Dr. Zhao is chemotherapy only given one way for all patients or do some take it more that one way?" Hot shot asked. "Are there more than one kind of chemotherapy medicine?" he asked. "Will I only take one kind of chemotherapy medicine or will take more than one?" he asked.

"Okay one question at a time Hot shot," Dr. Zhao said. "for your first question, a some take it only one way, while others take it more than one way," she said. "Whichever way is done is up to the patients own doctors to decide," she said.

"Oh," Hot shot said.

"For your second questions, there are more than one chemotherapy drug, there are over 100 different chemotherapy drugs, and six main groups of chemotherapy medicines," Dr. Zhao said. "Different chemotherapy medicines do different things to kill the cancer cells depending on which of the six main groups it is apart of," she said. "Which chemotherapy medication you will need will depend on your cancer," she said. "Certain chemotherapy medications work great on certain types of cancer," she said.

"Oh okay," Hot shot said.

"As for the third question, most patients benefit from taking multiple chemotherapy medications," Dr. Zhao said. "This is what is called combination chemotherapy," she said. "Because cancer cells even though they are naughty, they are clever, so that is why doctors like me use more than one medication to help patients fight cancer," she said. "Some times we even use more than one type of treatment too," she said. "It all depends on a lot of things, like your specific type of cancer, if it spread how far it has spread and where too, what stage it is, your age, your health, where the cancer started, and your general health." she said. "Then we can make a special plan to make your cancer go away," she said. "Most patients do well with combination therapy," she said.

"Oh okay," Hot shot said.

Hot shot felt better after having his questions answered by Dr. Zhao. Hot shot was going to be very brave and strong during chemotherapy when it starts. Hot shot was going to kick cancer's butt.

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