The Mess

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I groaned, thinking about the noise and the mess that my guardians would make. I took a couple of breaths and smiled before entering.

Tsuna's P.O.V
One word to describe it. CHAOS. Shouts were heard as sounds of metals clashing over metals and dynamites going off. Shouts saying "EXTREME!!" could be heard and someone laughing and wailing, mixing in with the noise.
I sighed and walked towards the chair that was prepared for me. when I'm finally seated, I was greeted by my other mist guardian, Chrome.

Crome's P.O.V
"G-good morning, b-bossu," I greeted him. He smiled at me, making me blush a little. "Good morning, Chrome," he replied. He's as kind as ever. I smiled a little. "Chrome..." he suddenly called out. "H-hai! Bossu," I replied a bit startled by his sudden call.

He chuckled a bit making me blush harder. "Ahem...sorry. Mind telling me what happened here?" he asked as he gestured at Mukuro-sama and the others.

"A-ah....well it happened because the lightning-kid suddenly burst in a-and the sun guardian shouted angering the storm guardian. Th-then, cloud-guy threathen them a-and the rain-guy tried to calm them b-but it didn't work. A-and Mukuro-sama started fighting with cloud-guy." I explained.

He only nodded before smiling again. "Chrome, please stand behind me. I don't want you to get caught up in what I'm going to do," he ordered. I only nodded before standing behind him. "W-will Mukuro-sama be okay?" I asked. He looked at me and gave a warm smile. "Yes, he will be fine. He's my family too," he replied.

I smiled in relief knowing that Mukuro-sama won't get hurt. "But..." he said making me look at him. "I won't guarentee that it will be painless. But don't worry, he won't die," he said as he gave a reassuring smile to me. I nodded in understanding.

Tsuna's P.O.V
I sighed internally after I heard what Chrome just told me. after I ordered Chrome to stand behind me I wore my gloves and went into Hyper Mode. After that I smiled to my guardians who finally took notice of me.

"Minna~ are you done?" I asked sweetly. I saw my guardians stopped doing whatever they were doing. "Haven't I told you to behave when we eat?" I asked again. They only gulped. "It seems like you had forgotten ne~ Well it's time for your punishment~" I continued before using Zero Point Breakthrough: First Edition on them.

After that was done, I continued eating with Chrome, acting like as if nothing happened. After the maids had taken away all of the leftover food, I unfreezed them. I was still in my Hyper Mode when they were freed. "Seriously, if I wasn't there to keep and eye on you guys, who knows what other destruction you'll cause," I said.

They only sat in their chairs in silence. Even Hibari and Mukuro were behaving. As I was trying to lecture them, the headache came back. This time it was far more painful than less time.

Chrome's P.O.V
"B-bossu?" I called out as he suddenly stopped talking. Then he began to hold his head asif in pain. "Bossu? A-are you alright?" I asked again. He looked at me. His eyes are losing focus. "A-ah? N-no worries.... Chrome...... I'm..... Fine....." he said before he fell of the chair.

Tsuna's P.O.V
My eyes became blurry as my head became more painful. It hurts. "B-bossu?" I faintly heard Chrome calling out to me. "Bossu? A-are you alright" I heard Chrome asked worriedly.

I looked at her and tried to smile. "A-ah? N-no worries.... Chrome.... I'm..... fine....." I stuttered before everything went black. The last thing I heard was Chrome calling me out before I completely pass out.

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