An Explanation to Them

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Ok so i do not own KHR. Just the plot of this fabulous *wink wink* story.

OOCs ahead so deal with it.

Reborn only watched as he sighed again. 'This will be a long week,' the hitman thought as he tipped his fedora.


Author's P.O.V
The day passed by quite peacefully as--


I take that back. The day passed as certain guardians went cuckoo from the incident they just went through. Their beloved sky had done something *coughkissedthemcough* that they had never thought of. They also saw something they regretted (a little) to see. So now, the mansion witnessed as the storm and sun went bonkers while the rain tried to calm them down followed by the shy mist.

Thanks to Reborn's help (finally!) they calmed down. But not calm enough as they still hit their head at the wall, trying to forget what just happened to them. You may wonder where Tsuna is right? Well, let's take a look at what happened earlier.

After Tsuna entered the bathroom, Ryohei became loud, shouting and flailing his hands.(refer A Kiss from The Sky(2) thank you very much.)

Chrome just stood beside Mukuro as he laughed his signature laugh. Reborn was nowhere to be seen. Yamamoto still hasn't recovered from the shock and Gokudera just hung lifelessly on Yamamoto. All in all, it was a pretty weird situation to be in.

Seeing the always laughing guardian still in shock, Chrome decided to help him.

Chrome's P.O.V
I slowly went towards the rain-guy. "U-um....r-rain-guy? A-are you al-alright?" I stuttered. I'm still not comfortable talking with people except Boss and Mukuro-sama.

The rain-guy blinked before he finally snapped out from his shock. Thank goodness. "H-huh? Oh, Chrome! Sorry, what were you saying?" he asked with his usual smile. "U-um...I was a-asking're al-alright," I said.

His smile grew wider. "I see! Hahaha! Sorry for worrying you!" he replied. I smiled a little, glad that he's alright. Then, we heard something that sounded like someone who fell. The sound came from the bathroom. The bathroom? But, didn't Boss entered the bathroom? Could it be-! "Boss!" I exclaimed.

Yamamoto's P.O.V
When Chrome said that name my eyes went wide. I quickly went to the bathroom, dragging Gokudera with me. Chrome followed behind. By the time I reached there, Gokudera had already stirred up. "W-wha?" he said half-sleepily. "Hahaha! Sup' Gokudera! Finally awake?" I asked him.

"Baseball-freak...." he muttered. Then his half-closed eyes went wide. He quickly pulled away his arm that was around my neck since I tried to hold him up. His face clearly shows panic amd confusion.

I just explained him what happened. By the time I said that we were trying to check Tsuna if he's alright, he bolt to the bathroom door and pounded at it, calling out to Tsuna at the same time.

Gokudera's P.O.V
"Jyuudaime!! Jyuudaime!! Are you alright?! Can you hear me?!" I shouted hoping Jyuudaime would hear me. I pounded at the door, hoping that Jyuudaime would open it, or at least shout at me. Anything, just to know he's alright. But nothing was heard.

Not thinking for a second time, I break the door open. "Jyuudaime!! Are you al--!!" I stopped midsentence. The sight that greeted me was something I never thought I would see.

Jyuudaime was half-naked, a towel wrapped around his waist. His back was against the tub as he sat on the floor. His face was red and he was hiccupping and crying at the same time. When he looked up, his brown, doe-eyes were red. Although he was crying, he looked so-o-o-o cute.

I felt something warm trickling down my nose. When I checked, it was blood. That's when it hit me. I was nosebleeding!! I quickly wiped it and focused my attention at Jyuudaime.

"J-Jyuudaime? A-are you alright?" I asked. He nodded. "Y-yes" he squeaked.


Gah!! I felt as if something just went through my heart when I heard Jyuudaime's voice.

Author's P.O.V
While Gokudera was stunned? Ryohei came running and was about to shout but stopped when he saw Tsuna. He gaped before turning around and walked away with a dazed face.

Yamamoto came and just laughed as he helped Tsuna and lead him to the bed as Gokudera followed them quietly. Chrome on the other hand, was standing with Mukuro's hand over her eyes, preventing her to see what had happened.
----------end flashback--------

And so, Tsuna was confined in his room while the guardians gathered in the dining room, or hall, or whatever. They were silent, still shocked with what just happened. No one spoke, until the sound of a phone going off was heard causing them to tense up. Reborn picked up his phone.



"What's wrong?"


"I understand. Please wait a moment."

Reborn looked at the guardians before putting his phone at the center of the table. Then, he switched on the speaker. "You can talk now, Maman," Reborn said.

"Hello everyone!!" a cheerful voice was heard at the other receiving line. "Maman!!" Lambo shouted. "Hello, Lambo-chan!! I hope you and everyone is doing well," before Lambo could respond, Reborn cut off. "Maman, please tell us what you want to tell."

"Oh, silly me!! I just wanted to tell you to be gentle around Tsu-kun," said Nana.

"What do you mean, Maman?" asked Reborn.

"Well, Tsu-kun rarely gets sick. Once, when he was having a high fever, he accidently dranked one of Papa's beer. Because of that, Tsu-kun always acts drunk and becomes childish when he has high fever. Ah, Tsu-kun was so cute!!" Nana squealed.

Everyone sweatdropped when they heard her squealed. "Oh, and one more thing, be careful when you're around Tsu-kun too. He tends to kiss people he--oh my!! Look at the time! Don't want to miss the plan now would I? Well, I'm counting on you! Goodbye."

And just like that, she ended the call before anyone could say anything else. They just stared at the phone as they processed the information they just received until....

"HIEEEEEE!!" a shriek was heard. Hearing the familliar shriek, everyone rushed to the room where a certain brunet is held. Only one thing pops into their mind. "Jyuudaime/Tsuna/Sawada/Boss/Tsuna-nii/Vongola/Herbivore!"

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