Truth Revealed

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It's about to end!!

OOCs and maybe OCs ahead. Deal with it.

Tsuna looked at his family fondly. 'This is my family. My big, noisy, destructive and disfunctional family. And I like it that way.'

In a meeting room, everyone, and I mean everyone, the Arcobalenos, Dino and Romario, Iemitsu, the Shimon, Byakuran and his Funeral Wreaths, Spanner and Shouichi, the Vongola Decimo's guardians and even Nono and his guardians were there too. Heck, even the Varias were there too. They all gathered because of a certain brunet who is currently trying to run away from all the stares he's receiving.

"Umm.... uh...... were should I start?" Tsuna said nervously. Reborn who was sitting near Tsuna pointed a gun at Tsuna who only yelp in surprise. "Start from the beginning, Dame-Tsuna." Reborn demanded.

"Ok.... Well, the day when I passed out, you know, when I began to act drunk, I got a call from one of my.... personal informer. And no, I'm not telling you who," Tsuna said it at Reborn and Gokudera.

"Anyway, he told me that a Famiglia is planning to kill me. What bothers me was that he said that this Famiglia had obtained something that would help them in their assasination. Unfortunately, he doesn't have any concrete proof whether it was true or not. So, he called me rather than calling CEDEF which was an annoyance seeing as how my head was spinning like crazy at that time." Tsuna stopped for a moment.

"At first, I don't even know what to do but then I got an idea about using my condition to lure them out. And so, I acted drunk so that they would think that they have the upper hand. With my informer's help, he leaked this out to them. It was tough to persuade them because they are cautious, but after a few persuasions, they finally moved. It was a bonus when the Svariate Famiglia attacked."

"What about the shot." It was a question-no-a statement from Reborn. Tsuna smiled sheepishly. "Uhm, the bullet wasn't real. It's the same bullet that was used when Byakuran shot down my future self," Tsuna replied which made the marshmallow-lover earn some glares. Byakuran only smiled.

"My informer switched it. Much like how future-self Shouichi did. At first I thought it would be hard to pretend, but it was actually easy. I just had to act like my past-self and lo and behold! I fooled all of you," Tsuna said happily which earned glares from the occupants.

"Well, most of the time. I still had some fuzzy memories. Sometimes I know what I'm doing, sometimes not. And it's no lie that I get drunk when I have a fever, courtesy to a certain someone, " Tsuna glared at Iemitsu causing the man to shrink in fear and embarassment. But the glare was cut short when Tsuna rubbed his temple. "Urgh.... all I want is..... to sleep..... " as soon as Tsuna said that, his head banged on the table.

Everyone (except the you-know-who) rushed at Tsuna. Gokudera being the nearest started to check Tsuna for any external or internal injuries. After confirming that there were none, that's when he heard the soft snores coming from Tsuna. He gently pulled Tsuna back, not wanting to disturb the brunet's sleep, revealing a face decorated with a soft and calming smile.

When everyone saw this, the noises started to die down. They can't help but smile. "Now that I think about it, this is the first time I'm seeing Jyuudaime's relaxed for awhile." Gokudera commented which earned a few nodds from others. After a few minutes of staring and cooings (mostly from the girls), Tsuna was finally carried back to his room by Gokudera.

The other guardians, even Hibari and Mukuro, followed Gokudera to Tsuna's room. After putting Tsuna to bed and checking the rooms, the guardians silently leave the room. As the door closed, Tsuna barely whispered a "thank you" as he snuggled deeper into the pillows and sighed in content.

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