A Kiss from The Sky

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I do not own KHR. Just the plot of this story.
There will be OOCs so deal with it.


After a few rings, the person finally answered the damn phone."Hello?" a woman answered. "Ciao, maman. Can you come over to Italy? Tsuna is sick."


Author's P.O.V
In Tsuna's room, the Decimo guardians had gathered as instructed by Reborn. The guardians looked at Tsuna with concerned looks. Tsuna was sleeping peacefully but once in awhile, his face will frown before going back to normal as if he's having a bad dream.

Then, Reborn cleared his throat to get the guardians' attention. When everyone finally focused on him stealing a glance on their sky once in awhile, he started to speak.

Reborn's P.O.V
I cleared my throat before I started to talk. "The reason I'm calling all of you..." he eyed them one by one. ".....is because I want to tell you that Dame-Tsuna is sick. Now, I--" before I could finished what I wanted to say, Ryohei cut me off "WHAT?!! SAWADA IS SICK TO THE EXTREME?!!" he said(more like shouted).

"Yes, and--" again, I was cut off. This time, it was Gokudera. "Oi LAWN-HEAD!! Shut up!! You'll wake Jyuudaime!!" Gokudera snapped at Ryohei.



"Maa...maa..... calm down Haya-chan, Ryohei-san," Yamamoto said cheerfully.



I was angry. How dare they interrupt me. So I let out a murderous aura at them.

Gokudera's P.O.V
Just when I want to retort back at the baseball-freak, I sensed a murderous aura. I looked at where it was coming from and saw Reborn-san tipping his hat. I gulped. "Are you done?" Reborn-san asked. I nodded my head, fearing what would happen if the no.1 hitman would punish me.

"As I was saying, Dame-Tsuna's will arrive in one week so I'm assigning an order on who would take care of him for the whole day," said Reborn-san. I raised my hand. "What is it Gokudera?" asked Reborn-san. "Um...why would Jyuudaime's mother come here? We already have doctors to treat Jyuudaime," I said

"First, Maman will be here in a week because it's already a plan that she had made. Second, a doctor had already checked Dame-Tsuna. And since Dame-Tsuna is sick, there's a chance that his life will be targeted. So I want all of you to be on full alert," ordered Reborn-san.

Even without him telling me, I would still protect Jyuudaime's life. I'm his right-hand man after all! Just then, we heard someone hiccuping. Everyone tensed up as we looked at where the source is. It turns out it came from Jyuudaime!

"Jyuudaime!!" I called out as I ran to his side. Jyuudaime looked at me with his eyes half-closed. His face was red and he was swaying a little. "Jyuudaime?" I asked in concern when he didn't reply the first time. Suddenly, he brought his face near me and flashed a smile before kissing my cheek. I was stunned.


That was the last thing I thought of before everthing went black.

Author's P.O.V
Gokudera's eyes looked as if it would pop out before he fainted. Tsuna just giggled like a little kid as he watched Gokudera's surprised look. The other guardians only stared at Tsuna, wondering what on earth had happened to him?

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