A Kiss From The Sky (2)

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I don't own KHR. Just this story's plots.
OOCs will appear so deal with it.

Gokudera's eyes looked as if it would pop out before he fainted. Tsuna just giggled like a little kid as he watched Gokudera's surprised look. The other guardians only stared at Tsuna, wondering what on earth had happened to him?


Author's P.O.V
Tsuna still giggled followed by a series of hiccups. His face was flushing red as he swayed side to side. Yamamoto laughed. But not his usual happy-go-lucky laugh. There's a hint of nervousness in his laugh.

He approached Gokudera and hoist him up. "Hahaha.... Tsuna. What was that for?" he asked cheerfully. Tsuna smiled at him before getting into a sitting position at the edge of his bed letting his feet dangle.

Yamamoto's P.O.V
Tsuna just got out of bed, not answering my question. When he stood up, I can see his body swaying side to side. When he took a step forward, he suddenly lose his balance.

I quickly caught Tsuna using my left free hand. Hahaha... somehow, I managed to hold Gokudera and Tsuna. "Hahaha...Tsuna, you okay?" I asked. He looked at me, nodded and smiled to show his alright.

Then, Tsuna suddenly wrapped his arms around me. His smile still on his face. "Tsuna...?" I asked, curious in what he's going to do when suddenly, I felt something warm on my left cheek. My eyes widen in shock when I realized it was Tsuna who k-kissed me. I was so shocked I froze in the place I was standing.

Ryohei's P.O.V
Sawada just kissed him to the EXTREME!! That was weird to the EXTREME!! I'M EXTREMELY CONFUSED!! Why did Sawada kissed them?! That's when I noticed a bit of blood on Sawada's shirt. Thinking that he's injured, I quickly went to Sawada who somehow escaped Yamamoto's hold.

"Oi, Sawada!! Let me heal you to the extreme!! You're hurt!!" I said to him.

He looked at me with a confused look. He tilted his head to the side making him look cute. I blushed to the extreme!! I pointed at his shirt. He looked at it and looked back at me. Then, he held out his hand, showing a hand with dried blood.

I quickly took out my sun-covered scalpel and healed him to the extreme! He smiled at me making me blush again. Then, he kissed me! He EXTREMELY KISSED ME!!

Author's P.O.V
After Tsuna kissed Ryohei, he stumbled to the bathroom, locking the door as he close it. Leaving behind his two frozen rain and sun, a passed out storm and some stunned guardians and a hitman who sighed.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO THE EXTREME?!" Ryohei shouted. Yamamoto just laughed awkwardly while still holding Gokudera who showed no signs of waking up.

Mukuro 'kufufu'-ed whule Hibari just 'hn'-ed before walking out of the room. Chrome just stared at the bathroom door with a worried look as she whispered "Boss..." while Lambo just said "Yare,yare..." and scratched his head lazily.

Reborn only watched as he sighed again. 'This will be a long week,' the hitman thought as he tipped his fedora.

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