A Simple Note from Him

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OOCs ahead. Deal with it.

"Go to hell!!" Hayato shouted at me. I only laughed. "Hmm? Why does Hayato look mad?" Tsuna asked. I hung my arm around his neck. "Don't mind, don't mind. Now let's go get breakfast!" I said as I fist pumped into the air. "Yeah!" Tsuna replied. "Bastard! Get away from Jyuudaime!" Hayato shouted. I only laughed. This will be fun.

Author's P.O.V
The door swung opened revealing a happy brunet, a cheerful raven-haired man and a fuming silver-haired man. The three of them entered the dining room. By now, all the guardians had arrived in the dining room. "Good morning, everyone!" Tsuna greeted.

Good morning, boss," Chrome greeted back.

"Kufufufu, it seems you're energetic today, vongola," said Mukuro.


"Yare, yare. Lambo-sama is still sleepy," Lambo said sleepily.

"Hn" was all Hibari said.

Yamamoto just laughed while Gokudera scowled at them. Tsuna just sighed. After he was seated, he was about to eat when suddenly, someone burst into the room. The guardians quickly went into fighting stance. Yamamoto and Gokudera moved beside Tsuna, preparing to protect him from any dangers. "Jyuudaime!" That person shouted. "Eh? Giannini?"

Gokudera's P.O.V
"Eh? Giannini?" Jyuudaime said when he recognized the voice. "You guys, it's ok. It's only Giannini," he said to the others. They relaxed and went back to their seats to eat. I turned my attention towards Giannini who was standing beside me.

"Giannini, is there something you want to tell Jyuudaime?" I asked. "Yes! Jyuudaime! I had invented a new gadget!" He said enthusiastically. Somehow, I have a bad feeling about this. Giannini brought out a canister and showed it to Jyuudaime. "This is a sleeping gas. But in a more compact version. With this, you can carry many sleeping gases when on missions!" he said.

"So, it's like a sleeping pill only it's sleeping gas?" I asked. "Yes. It can also act as a sleeping pill if it comes into contact with water. To use the sleeping gas though, you simply throw it to the ground hard enough for it to break. Once it breaks, the sleeping gas will be released, explained Giannini.

"Like this?" Jyuudaime asked. Both me and Giannini turned towards Jyuudaime, only to see him holding the canister in his hand and a pill in his other hand. "Wait, Jyuudaime don't!" I tried to stop him but I was too late. Jyuudaime throwed the pill to the ground and it spilt into two releasing a gas around it. "*cough**cough* Jyuudaime!" I shouted before blacking out.


"And that's what happened," I said. Reborn-san didn't say anything while I was telling him what happened (minus the 8059 scenes).

Reborn-san only sighed. "Where is Dame-Tsuna, right now." Reborn-san asked. I looked down. "I-we don't know," I replied.

Author's P.O.V
"I-we don't know," Gokudera replied. Reborn tipped his fedora, shadowing his eyes. 'That Dame-Tsuna hasn't left the estate yet, since there's no report about it. Then that means....' Reborn thought. Then, internally sighed. "Go find Dame-Tsuna. He still hasn't left this place yet and--" before Reborn could finish, a ball of fur came hurling pass Reborn. The ball of fur then hitted Yamamoto who caught it.

"Hahaha! What's this?" Yamamoto asked to no one in particular. The ball of fur moved and revealed itself only to be Natsu, Tsuna's Animal Ring. Natsu seemed to be biting a piece of paper. Yamamoto took it and read it aloud.

"Dear everyone, it seems I got myself into trouble. And since I'm a bit in a tight spot here, I request for your immediate help. And try not to lose Natsu. He's your only lead to my location. From, Tsuna."

After Yamamoto finished reading, everyone looked at Natsu. Well, at the place he used to sit on awhile ago. In the distance, a flash of orange could be seen and it disappeared quickly.

No one said anything until...."Ahh!! Jyuudaime!!" Gokudera shouted before running out. The others followed and soon they entered the Vongola Forest. I only sighed before following them.

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