Chains of The Aloof and Unrestrained Cloud

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So, this story will be written based on one of Hibari fanfic. So I'm gonna say I don't own the plot! I'll just tweak a little and add something and twist a little bit here and there. So technically, the plot is mine right? No? Well, anyway, hope you enjoy!

OOCs ahead. Deal with it.

Tsuna only cried in silence. Chrome patted Tsuna's back. "It's ok, boss. We're here right now, aren't we?" she said. When Tsuna heard this, he smiled. "Yeah, and that's what matters now. I won't let go both of you again."

Night was falling and the people in the mansion have started to drift into their Lala Land. Except for a brunet who was laying down with his eyes wide open. It turns out that seeing the past without any preparation was a bad idea. A really bad idea. Thanks to that, Tsuna was having trouble sleeping.

After many toss and turns, he finally gave up on sleeping and walked out of his room. He wandered inside the mansion until he stopped by an opened window. He poked his head out and stared up. There he saw many stars lighting the night sky. Filled with wander, he propped his arms on the window sill and rested his head on his arms.

As he was enjoying the view, he suddenly saw a yellow bird flying near the roof. Curious, Tsuna decided to climbed up to the roof. After a few struggles, he finally arrived at the top of the roof while gasping for air. After he regained his breath, he looked around and saw a man not far from him. That man was laying down, sleeping while the yellow bird nested itself beside the man.

'Hibari!!' Tsuna thought. He approached the guy, wanting to wake him up but stopped when the man suddenly had a frown. "Hibari?" Tsuna whispered. The said man frowned and then it turned into a face that's filled with anger and... and.... disappointment? Worried, Tsuna lifted Hibari's head gently and put his lap underneath it so it would act as a pillow. Surprisingly, Hibari didn't wake up. Only a grunt was heard.

Tsuna only stared at his cloud guardian. Then, the yellow bird or Hibird flew up and nested itself on Tsuna's gravity-defying hair. "Hibird.... Hibari-san looked as if he's having a nightmare," Tsuna said as he stared at Hibari. "Tsuna, sing! Tuna, sing!" Hibird chirped. "You think I should do that? So that Hibari-san would have a good dream?" Tsuna asked. "Sing! Sing!" Hibird chirped.

Tsuna smiled softly. Then, he started to sing. As he sang, he stroked Hibari's hair. Although he felt Hibari tensed up, Tsuna ignored it and continued to sing and stroke Hibari's hair gently.

Hibari's P.O.V
I was in a familiar room. I remember now, this is the room that I used to live in when I was with those herbivores. As I looked around, the only door to this room slide opened in a rough manner revealing a herbivore staring at me with anger. "Kyoya! How dare you go against my orders!" That herbivore shouted. Irritating. I tried to move so I could bite him but I can't. Irritating. I only looked at him with boredom.

Then, another set of footsteps was heard coming towards this way. Then a female herbivore stood beside the herbivore just now. "Dear, why are you shouting?" She asked. "Kyoya disobeyed my orders!" he said. The female herbivore approached me with a smile that irks me. "Now, now, Kyoya. You shouldn't do that. A good son must always follow his father's orders," she said. "I don't take orders from you herbivores," I said. My voice was weird, not like my usual voice but I chose to ignore it.

Then, I felt my cheek sting. That's when I realized that the female herbivore had slapped me. How dare she. "How dare you! Don't you dare say that to your mother!" I growled at her in anger. Then, everything went black. When the lights came back, I was on the sofa beside the female herbivore. In front of me, another female herbivore and a small herbivore sat in front of him. They're crowding in front of me. Irritating.

"I can't wait! Just imagine the grand wedding we're going to have! Just for you! Won't you like it, Rin-chan?!" The female herbivore said. The small herbivore only nodded while looking at me. Pathethic. I only glared at them while the herbivores continued to crowd in front of me.

I was angry. To them for crowding in front of me, and to my sorry-for-excuse parents. Controlling my life and deciding for me, how dare they. The herbivores were getting louder until I had enough. I stood up, glared at each of them and said "Die, herbivores," before walking out of that place. But before I managed to fully get out, the female herbivores stood up and screamed at me.

"How dare you Kyoya!"

"I cannot believe how much he disrespects me!"

I glared daggers at them. But something strange happened. The room was warped and the herbivores started to change into something. The approached me. When they were close enough, they instantly changed into iron chains and binded me down. I tried to get free but the chains only tightens. The room was replaced by darkness and I was now on my knees. Irritating. They still haunt me even if I am now far from them. Why? Are they saying that I will never be free? If so, then they should die.

As I kneeled in the darkness, I heard a voice singing. "Who's there," I demanded. The voice suddenly stopped. Then, the scenery changed. The darkness was replaced by a blue and cloud-filled sky. The ground I was kneeling on turned into clear water and reflected the skies creating another sky beneath me. The chains still binded me but they became a bit loose.

As I looked at the sky, I sensed someone's presence. I tore my gaze from the sky, looked to my front and saw the omnivore standing there. "Omnivore, what are you doing here," I said. The omnivore only smiled before he started to sing. I was surprised to hear him singing but quickly hide it. "What do you want, omnivore," I demanded.

The omnivore stopped singing and looked at me. His eyes were different than the herbivores. It held kindness and acceptance whereas the herbivores' were filled with annoyance and denial. The omnivore's eyes also held pride like the herbivores but on a whole different feeling. He approached me and held out his hand and sky flames appeared. The flames melted the chains freeing me from it.

The omnivore stood tall in front of me as he stared at me. "Hibari Kyoya, bearer of the Cloud Ring. May your soul and your heart be free from any chains. Go as far as you desire and none shall bind you down for I, the Sky will be the one to ensure your freedom. If you seek for home, always remember that the sky will and have always been your home," he said as he smiled. Then, he turned into a ball of flame before disappearing.

I only looked at the place where he once stood before breaking into a grin. Ensure my freedom, eh?" I said as I looked at the sky. Then, I slowly closed my eyes. When I opened them, I was met with a pair of brown doe-like eyes. "Omnivore,"

Author's P.O.V
Just after Tsuna finished singing, Hibari's eyes shot opened. "Omnivore," Hibari said. "Ah, Hibari! You're awake!" Tsuna said happily. "Did you just sing?" Hibari suddenly asked. "H-huh? Ye-yeah, I did," Tsuna answered.

Hibari got up into a sitting position, looked around, then stood up as he brushed off the dust on his clothes. "What are you doing here anyway, omnivore. Shouldn't you be asleep right now?" Hibari asked Tsuna. Tsuna looked away. "W-well, I was having trouble sleeping so I thought I should find something that could make me sleep. So I watched the stars. Then, I saw Hibird and followed him up here," Tsuna explained.

Hibari just looked at Tsuna before approaching him. Then, Hibari bent down until he reached Tsuna's eye-level. "Hibari?" Before Tsuna could ask any further, Hibari planted a soft kiss on Tsuna's forehead. Tsuna was so shocked, he froze in his place. "Now you won't have trouble sleeping, omnivore," Hibari said before he disappeared from the roof.

Tsuna was in a daze as he stared at the spot where Hibari stood just now. He touched his forehead and blushed when he recalled about it and finally registered it. Although it was weird, Tsuan didn't mind at all. In fact, he was happy. "Thank you," Tsuna whispered his thanks to Hibari before he climbed down the roof and went back to his room. That night, Tsuna had the sweetest dream he ever had.

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