Omake: The Sky meets The Traveller

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Story about how Tsuna met Shiro.

OOCs and OCs ahead. Deal with it.


The snow gently fall down to the earth, making the ground white as snow piled up. In the town of a certain part of Italy, the streets were filled with peoples as they chat and laughed with each other. Stalls that sells hot chocolates and hot treats could be seen along the streets colouring it with vibrant colours along with the colourful lights.

As the people smiled and laughed, a certain brunet sat on a bench near a fountain while sighing. He looks unaffected with the happy mood that surrounds the town. He stared at the sky, sighing once in awhile as he rubbed his hands together to have warmth.

'Damn that Reborn. To think he brought me here and then disappeared when I looked away,' thought the brunet. As he sighed again for who knows how mamy times, his phone went off. He picked it up and before he could even say "hello", he was greeted by his storm's shouts.

"Jyuudaime! Where are you?! Are you hurt?! I'm sorry for not being there with you! I failed as your right handman!" Gokudera apologized over the phone. Tsuna had to pull away from the phone since Gokudera shouted so loudly. After a few apologies, Tsuna managed to persuade his Storm to calm down and tell him he was fine.

"Jyuudaime, where are you right now? Let me take you back home." Gokudera asked again when he calmed down. "It's alright, Hayato-kun. I think this is one of Reborn's training. Besides, it would be nice to take a break once in awhile." Tsuna said.

He shivered slightly when he remembered about the paperworks that always appear day after day courtesy to his guardians' destructive side, especially his cloud and male mist guardian. After he graduated and has officially became guardian, he began to receive more paperworks than he had ever received when he was in boss-training. Right now, Tsuna is 21 and he still couldn't handle all those paperworks which lead him to develop a very scary and sadistic personality which always surfaced whenever he snaps due to paperworks overload.

And even though Tsuna had officially become Vongola Decimo, Reborn would always tor-tutor him whenever he get the chance. Although Tsuna was dragged out by Reborn and was driven here by Reborn himself with no guards following -which was odd- and was left out in the cold alone in this unfamiliar town, he was a bit grateful to Reborn because he could at least take a break from looking at the seemingly infinite paperworks.

"Alright. But call me or the others if you need help." Gokudera said snapping Tsuna out of his thoughts. "Okay." Tsuna answered before ending the call. Tsuna then looked at the sky again before sighing and stood up from the bench and started to walk aimlessly. Along the way, he came across an alleyway and Tsuna heard someone shouting from it.

Curious, Tsuna went into the alleyway and saw four black-suited men, probably mafias, Tsuna concluded, surrounding a light-blue haired man who has his back on the wall. But what interested Tsuna was the fact that the blunet was smiling even if he was in a dangerous situation.

One of the black-suited men spoke in italian which, thankfully, Tsuna understood since he started staying in Italy after graduating high school and because of a certain hitman *coughdemoncough*.

"You have nowhere to run, Aeon. Now come along quietly before things turn ugly." The man threaten the blunet.

The blunet only smiled. "And what if I say no?" He taunted.

"Then we just have to take you by force. I thought about bringing you unharmed but it looks like I need to break a few bones to make sure you won't run away again." The man smiled as he approached the blunet.

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