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*sobbed sobbed* I-I'm sorry to say this but-but there's a chance that the update will be slower.....*wails* I don't want to make all of you wait anxiously! The feels....it's horrible!

I-I'm sorry, *sniff* it's just... I have a big test coming up a-and my school.....*wails* they had re-arranged the schedule! Even the teachers start to give more homeworks! In a form of/like paperworks! If only my stare could burn the papers....

I promise you I'll find a way to update this fanfic. I'll be truly free from the FINALS after October ends. I know, it's a LOOONG time to wait. And a LOOONG time to suffer. So I hope all of you would still support me and this fanfic.

Ah, my freedom..... my ideas...... please wait for me. *prays* So, please wait patiently for the update. Thank you for liking, voting, commenting and adding my fanfic! Please keep on reading until the end! *bows*

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