Saving Tsuna, The Past meets The Future

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What happened after Tsuna's friends appeared? Read to find out!

OOCs ahead. Deal with it.

"Yo" - italian

A man in fedora noticed them. He smirked as he looked at Giotto.

"Chaos, Vongola Primo."

(From this point on, I'll shorten the "generation" word to "gen")

All of the first gen except Alaude who only "hnn"ed and Daemon "nufufu"ing stared at the sudden visitors. As the tenth gen where busy chatting, the first gen only watched.

"Haha! It's them! So it did work!" "Che, another one of those idiots," thought G while Asari laughed.

"Yare,yare, Lambo-san wants candy." "Lampo's long-lost brother?!" Giotto thought while Lampo just yawned.

"Kufufu, 'he' is also here. Perfect." Mukuro held up his trident as his eyes were filled with mischief. "Urgh, Daemon's double," Giotto thought in depression. Daemon continued 'nufufu'ing.

"Mukuro-sama, you can't. Boss would be angry." "She seems nice," Giotto commented in his head.

"Kufufu, alright, Nagi." Mukuro said as he lowered his trident.

"Hnn." "An exact copy of Alaude." Giotto thought as he sweatdropped. Alaude only stared at his double.

"EXTREME!! IT EXTREMELY WORKED!!" "Just like Knuckles, only louder." Giotto sighed while Knuckles silently said 'extreme'.

"Che,never thought I'd see that old man again." "G's...... son?" Giotto said earning a smack to the head from G.

Reborn only smirked. "It's a pleasure meeting you, Vongola Primo," Reborn said. Giotto quickly turned his attention to Reborn. "Who are you? Which family did you come from?" Giotto said calmly as he slipped into his hyper mode. The first gen guardians tensed as they readied themselves to fight.

Reborn saw this and his smirk got wider. "Please calm yourselves. We are not enemies. We are merely here to retrieve our friend," Reborn said.

Giotto was confused but his face still remained calm. "Friend? To whom are you referring to?" Giotto asked.

"He's name is Tsunayoshi or Tsuna. Know him?" Reborn said. Giotto only stood in silence. "Haha, what happened here anyway?" Yamamoto asked when he saw glass shards all over the floor. Giotto closed his eyes as he took a breath. "The thing is.... Tsuna's been kidnapped," Giotto said slowly.

Upon hearing that, a dark aura could be felt surrounding the tenth gen. "Jyuudaime's been kidnapped?" Gokudera said slowly. You could feel his anger seeping out.

"Who?" Yamamoto asked. His eyes had narrowed down and his tone had become serious. In fact, all of the tenth gen, including Lambo and Chrome, looked as if they're ready to kill someone.

Giotto was shocked to see those changes. But he also felt somewhat proud to see a Famiglia who cared for their Boss just like his Famiglia. "We do not know. They are a group of people who became strong all of a sudden and are now causing massive destruction and casualties. They go by the name Granchiõ." Giotto explained.

Reborn arched an eyebrow. "Granchiõ? But they weren't supposed to exist in this time. Unless...." "Unless they went back by time travelling." Gokudera finished Reborn's sentence. But this only made Giotto more confused. "Time travelling? Is that even possible? And what do you mean the Granchiõ weren't supposed to exist? Are you saying they're ghost or something?" Giotto asked.

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