The Pain of The Sun Who Heals

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I'm on a roll!! Yeah! Ideas came non-stop that it really annoys me. But, who cares?*throws glitters* I'm on a roll baby!!

I really do like glitters huh? *throws more glitters* meh. Whatever. I'm thinking of making a character-to-author conversation. Y'know, the one where the author chats with the characters?

Should I? Or shouldn't I? Comments are needed!!

Well, that aside, let's continue.
OOCs ahead. Deal with it.

"Hime, we have arrived," Gamma said snapping me back to reality. "Thank you, Gamma," I said. As I walked, I stopped and gazed at the orange sky. I smiled. The sky really reminds me of Tsunayoshi-kun. Everyone cares about him. They follow him out of their own choice. I smiled again before continuing my walk.

The Vongola Mansion. A place where only the people who are a Vongola member or staff are allowed to enter. Right now, it serve as the Vongola Decimo and his guardians' place.

The morning start off with a beautiful--


--sounds.....of birds......chirping..... (*sulks in the corner* why?) Anyway, as the morning was accompanied by the usual sounds coming from the dining room, made by the usual bunch, a man in a fedora with a brunet who stood behind him shivering were watching them.

The man only sighed as he pulled the trigger of the gun. BANG. The sound resounded. Every guardians looked at him. "Seriously. Every single day. How did Dame-Tsuna handle this kind of sh*t," he said. The said brunet only stood behind Reborn with a shocked look. Probably from the sound of the gun.

After Tsuna and Reborn took their sit, the maids served breakfast. Everything was normal. I mean as in no fighting and no shouting kind of normal. Everyone was quiet. Who wouldn't? After being threatened by the no.1 hitman in the world to behave in front of Tsuna yesterday, it would be wise to follow his orders than experience hell(well Mukuro had experienced it so he was kinda not following it if not because of Chrome).

While they were eating, Ryohei decided to voice out his thoughts that he had been holding. Surprisingly(not), he didn't shout.

Ryohei's P.O.V
"Oi, Reborn, when will Sawada turn to normal to the extreme?" I asked. The other guardians also looked at Reborn, waiting for his answer. Reborn only sighed before answering. "I don't know. Last time I checked, he's still having a fever. Even after shoving the fever pills in--" the octopus-head glared at Reborn which he ignored"--he's still hasn't recovered."

"What if I use my sun flames to the extreme to heal Sawada to the extreme?" I suggested hoping Reborn would agree. However, Reborn shook his head. "That's impossible. A doctor who has sun flames already tried that but it only makes it worse. Instead of lowering his temperature, it seems his temperature went up instead," he said.

That statement only earned a groan from me. Now this is hard to the extreme. I extremely don't know what to do now. Although the state Sawada's in is extremely cute, but he's defenseless. It seems he forgot how to fight. With all the dangers surrounding him, I can't help but be extremely worry about him.

The state Sawada's in right now reminds me about Kyoko when she was little. Always disturbed by other kids. I tried to protect her but it only made her cry when I got hurt. I promised not to fight but right now, I'm fighting to protect not only her, but Sawada too.

Urgh, this is making my head extremely dizzy. What should I do to the extreme?!

Author's P.O.V
As Ryohei stressed out about that, the brunet could not help but worry when he noticed how stressed Ryohei is, not knowing he was the cause of Ryohei's stress. After breakfast, Tsuna silently followed Ryohei who is still in his thoughts.

Thanks to his shyfulness, he succeeded in keeping quiet and far enough for him to not be detected, but close enough to see Ryohei and hear him. Tsuna followed him until they arrived in a garden(again) and saw Ryohei stopping in front of a pond.

Ryohei sighed and scratched his head as he stared in the pond. Then, he knelt and went closer to the pond. Thinking that Ryohei is trying to kill himself, Tsuna quickly went out from his hiding and ran towards Ryohei. "Don't, Onii-san!" he shouted.

Ryohei's P.O.V
While I was staring at my image, I suddenly heard Sawada shouting to the extreme. "Don't, Onii-san!". I turned my head towards him and saw Sawada running at full speed towards me. Then, he crashed at me making me fall on my back. "SAWADA?!" I shouted, startled at his sudden appearance.

He hugged me tightly, not letting me go as he buried his head in my chest. Still stunned, I let him hug me to the extreme. "Please don't do that, Onii-san! If you have any problem, I'll try my hardest to solve it!" he said. Now that just made me extremely confused.

"Wait,Sawada. What are you saying to the extreme? I extremely don't understand!" I asked. Sawada looked at me. "But-but, you were trying to kill yourself because you were stressed out," he said. "HUH?! What makes you say that fo the extreme?!" I asked, shocked at what he just said.

"Y-you were at the edge of the pond, a-and you looked as if you were falling into the pond," he explained. Now I get it. I ruffled his head as I sighed. "I wasn't trying to kill myself. I was just looking at my image on the pond's surface," I explained.

Sawada blinked before his face went red. Cute. I chuckled. Sawada turned away and pouted. So cute. "Well, I can't help it. Onii-san looked so distracted and stressed out, it worries me," he said as he looked at me. That made me stop chuckling. I was surprised. Did he noticed? When?

"Wh-why did you say that?" I asked. "You were worried about something were you?" said Sawada. "I won't force you, but it's better to let it out than keeping it in," he said before he stood up and walked away. But I quickly grabbed his wrist, stopping him from leaving. "Stay," I said and he sat beside me without a word.

Then, I started to tell him about my worries of not being able to protect others and how I always make them cry because of me. After I finished, my head was down. It's painful to see others cry because of you. Then, Sawada wrapped his arms around me and said, "You don't have to be in pain anymore. Whenever you're in pain, you can always share it with me. So please keep on being the sun and heal others.".

When I heard that, I was washed with relief and happiness. Relieved to know that I don't have to hold in my pain anymore, happy that it was Sawada who was the one to know. I hugged him back. Thanks to him, I can now feel at ease. I'm happy to have a brother like him. I'll do whatever it takes to protect him. I'll be the one to heal him from any injury and support him. I promise.

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