A Girl's Little Wish

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I'm gonna be honest. I don't know what the story is about now. The ending of this story is still the same but.... the stories..... are getting..... different? Oh well, guess I'll just continue. After this story, I'm gonna write about Hibari. Hmm.... maybe I'll write it base on a Hibari fanfic. Wait until then!>~¤

OOCs ahead. Deal with it.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a white ceiling. "Where am I?" he asked to no one in particular. When he looked to his right, the sight of someone he knew surprised him. "But that's--!"

A girl surrounded by many equipments were seen laying in the bed. Her face was pale and her eyes were closed. But what attracted our brunet's attention was the girl's hair. Unlike what he thought, her hair was a long straight purple hair. She seemed as if she's having trouble breathing.

Tsuna got worried. He got up from his bed and noticed how his body grew from a small one into a teen-sized body. He was even wearing a hospital gown. Not really caring the changes, Tsuna walked up to the girl and looked at her worriedly. "Chrome...." he said softly, trying not to wake the girl up.

Unfortunately, the girl heard him causing her to open her eyes. When her vision focused, she saw a brunet standing beside her. "Who....?"

Nagi's P.O.V
When I opened my eyes, a boy with brown hair was standing beside me. His eyes looked....sad? 'Who are you?' I tried to asked but with my weak condition, the only thing that came out of my mouth was "Who....?".

The boy seemed to understand what I was trying to say because he gave me a soft smile. When I saw that smile, something warm filled me. "My name is.... Yoshi. That's right, I'm Yoshi. Nice to meet you," he smiled. When I saw him like that, I couldn't help but also smile. 'It's nice to meet you, Yoshi. I'm Nagi.' I tried to say but all that came out was "Yoshi. I'm.... Nagi."

The boy scrunched up his face as if he was thinking of something but it was quickly replaced with a smile. "So your name is Nagi? Can I call you Nagi-chan? I-if you don't mind," he asked, slightly blushing. I nodded. "Can I call you Yoshi-kun?" I asked. This time, the words that I wanted to say finally came out. The boy nodded his head. "Sure!" he said happily. I smiled.

Author's P.O.V
Tsuna looked at Nagi as she smiled. Just when he was about to say something, he heard footsteps coming this way. He quickly ran to his bed, leaving Nagi wondering why he ran away suddenly. Then, the door slide opened and revealed a man wearing a white coat. He saw Nagi and walked towards her.

"Good morning, Nagi. It seems you have just woken up. How are you feeling?" the doctor asked her. "Good morning, Dr. Akira. I'm feeling fine, thank you for asking," replied Nagi. The doctor only nodded. "Nagi, there's someone who wants to meet you. Come on in," the doctor said to the door.

The door then slide opened and revealed a man and a woman dressed in luxurious clothes. They walked in and went towards Nagi. "Hello, Nagi dear. How are you feeling?" the woman asked. Nagi only nodded. They talked for awhile. When two hours had passed, the man and woman left. After they had left, Nagi looked at the door longingly before she cried quietly.

Tsuna saw her crying. Worried, he quickly jumped out of his bed and approached Nagi. "Nagi-chan?"

Nagi's P.O.V
As I cried, someone called me. "Nagi-chan?" I looked to my left and saw the boy I was talking with earlier. "Yoshi-kun...." I said slowly. He gave me a smile and patted my back. "There, there. You can cry. It's alright. I won't laugh at you," he said that making me cry even harder. He only stood beside me, patting my back.

When I finally calmed down, Yoshi-kun grinned at me. I smiled in return. "Thank you," I said. "Anything for a friend," he said. When I heard him say 'friend', I was taken aback. "F-friend? Am I your f-friend?" I asked. He gave me questioning look. "Of course you are!" he said. "But....why?" He just smiled. He really does like to smile, huh? "Do I need a reason?" he asked back.

I shook my head. Then that's that!" he said. I smiled. Suddenly, I felt a piercing pain went through my body. I groaned in pain. "H-hey! What's wrong? Are you okay?" Yoshi-kun asked. I tried to answer him but the pain was too great, I couldn't talk. My vision slowly started to fade. 'No.' I thought. 'Please, no. Not when I finally had a friend.' I thought as I gripped my cloth.

'I don't want to die. Oh, kami-sama! If you're there, please hear this little wish of mine! Please, let me live!' I huffed in pain as darkness came closer. "I wish to live," I  whispered before falling unconscious.

Author's P.O.V
When Tsuna saw Nagi crouched in pain, he panicked. "H-hey! What's wrong? Are you okay?" he asked. No answer. Tsuna became even restless. As he panicked, not knowing what to do, he heard Nagi said something. "I wish to live," she said before she fell unconscious. "Nagi-chan!" Tsuna shouted. Then, the doctor who came earlier walked in. When he saw Nagi, he rushed to her side and checked her.

Then, the doctor called out some nurse and now, they were transferring Nagi from her bed to another bed. Tsuna was invisible to them, making it easier for Tsuna to stay beside Nagi. Then he felt dizzy. "It's time," he said. Tsuna looked at Nagi before giving a smile. "Chrome... please live," he said before closing his eyes.

When he opened them, he saw his mist guardians in front of him. He quickly got up and hugged them. "I'm sorry..." he said that as he cried softly. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you," he added. "It's ok, boss. It wasn't your fault," Chrome said. "But--!" "Kufufufu, you don't really have to, vongola. I never asked for your help." Mukuro interjected.

Tsuna only cried in silence. Chrome patted Tsuna's back. "It's ok, boss. We're here right now, aren't we?" she said. When Ysuna heard this, he smiled. "Yeah, and that's what matters now. I won't let go both of you again."

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