Game, Set, Start!

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I wonder what I'm actually trying to write about..... Anyways, thanks to BerryBerryBlitz's comment, I got ideas for this chapter!

OOCs ahead. Deal with it.

No one said anything until...."Ahh!! Jyuudaime!!" Gokudera shouted before running out. The others followed and soon they entered the Vongola Forest. I only sighed before following them.

As they entered the forest, they quickly spread out to cover more grounds as they tried to find Tsuna. As they were searching, orange sparks suddenly burst out of nowhere before quickly disappearing as quickly as it had appeared. To others, they might think it's a trick of light but to the guardians, they know what it means. Tsuna.

And so, the guardians quickly went to the place where they saw the orange sparks. After awhile, they came into a clearing but no one was there. This confused the guardians until....

"Kufufu.... what a lousy illusion," said Mukuro as he tapped his trident to the ground. Slowly, the clearing starts to become distorted until a new image replaced it. An entrace-like hedge was seen and in front of it stood a stand with a note glued on it. The guardians went close to the stand and read the note.

"Welcome to the Game of Destiny! Anyone who succeeds to break the illusion surrounding this note will automatically become a participant. Enter the Maze of Fate at your own risk. The goal? To find the target, Vongola Decimo, namely me! There are other participants who will try to get in your way so you are permitted to fight. No killing though! Anyone who finds me first has the right to do anything to me! Kill, torture, fight, possess or even asking me to do something like joining a club or giving all of my riches or giving candies is acceptable! May the best man wins! Sincerely Vongola Decimo."

"Hahaha! What an interesting game Tsuna had set up!" Yamamoto said.

"Kufufu, this is my chance," Mukuro said.

"Teme! I won't let you find Jyuudaime!" Gokudera shouted at Mukuro.

"Hn, interesting," Hibari smirked.

"Lambo-sama will ask Tsuna-nii to give me many candies," Lambo said.

"EXTREME! I'LL EXTREMELY ASK SAWADA TO JOIN THE BOXING CLUB!!" Ryohei shouted as he fist-pumped both of his hand to the air.

"Dame-Tsuna, prepare to face hell," Reborn said as Leon turned into a gun.

After that, everyone went inside the maze in front of them, leaving Chrome behind. Chrome let out a sigh as she walked to a different direction than the others. "I did it as you instructed," Chrome said to a nearby tree. "Thank you. Now, it's time for them to do the rest. Come join me, Chrome. You are not required to enter since you are involved in this," a voice replied. Chrome only nodded before walking away. "Now, let the game begins,"

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