Time for A Little Love, Nee~?

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I'm back!! Hell yeah!!

Alright, alright, I'll skip my scream of freedom. In this chapter, I'll write some.... things for you. Mind you, it will be.... interesting.

OOCs and maybe OCs ahead. Deal with it.


Tsuna just giggled like a kid and went inside the mansion, leaving the others behind while he hummed. Reborn only watched at the sideline and sighed. 'This is gonna be a long night,' he thought.

Random maid's P.O.V
Birds chirping, sun shining, maids and butlers working, and corpses laying around the dining room and--



"M-master Reborn!!" I shouted as I start to run. Just after a few steps, Master Reborn showed up. Thankfully, I didn't crash into him. If I did, then that muscular, broad chest would-- ok brain, shut up!

"M-master Reborn!! The dining room!! It's filled with corpses!!" I said. Master Reborn only cocked one of his eyebrows making me dizzy. So dreamy. "Corpses? If I remember correctly, there are no intrusions. And I made sure no one killed," he said as he walked into the dining room.

He went to one of the laying bodies nearest to him and turn it over. He only clicked his tongue before drawing out a gun. Wait, what? A gun? What purpose does it serve in this kind of situation? "Umm, master Reborn? What are you--" I left the question unfinished when master Reborn suddenly fired the gun in the air.

Then, something happened. Something very horrifying had happened. The corpses went back to life!! I stared wide-eyed as I watched the corpses start to move and come back to life, one by one. Then, they started to say something in a language I had not heard. I only stood there like a statue, too stunned at what just happened.

Then, when I looked closely at the supposed-to-be-corpses, I noticed that they looked like Decimo's guardians. No, wait. I take that back. They ARE Decimo's guardians!! I quickly bowed and said a simple sorry before bolting out of the room. OH MY GOD!! THEY'RE SO-O-O HOT!! I squealed in satisfaction.

Gokudera's P.O.V
The maid just bowed at us, said sorry and bolted out from the room. A few seconds later, we heard a squeal. Che, must be that maid.

"What happened while I was gone? And where is Dame-Tsuna?" Reborn-san asked. I looked at the others only to see them looking at each other before looking back at ME. Damn, they dump the load on me now huh? I breathed in before letting it out heavily. "Umm... Reborn-san... the thing is...."

--flashback (yeay!)--

Gokudera's P.O.V
Morning came as f***king usual. Damn, I'm still sore from running around yesterday. As I entered the dining room, I saw baseball-freak sitting at the table with that onna. "Che. Oi, baseball-freak! Is Juudaime awake yet?" I asked the baseball-freak as I sat at my place.

"Haha! Morning Haya-chan!"

"Don't call me that, bastard!" I snapped.

The baseball-freak just laughed. Bastard. I went back to the door only to be stopped by the baseball-freak. "Where are you going?" he asked with that stupid smile on his face. "Where do you think? To wake up Jyuudaime of course!" I said to him irritatingly. "Haha! Mind if I join?" he asked.

I only scowled at him before walking out of the room. "Whatever!" I shouted back.


As we walked along the corridors, silence surrounded us. It was ok, if not for the fact that baseball-freak was grinning like an idiot which really gets on my nerve. "Nee, Haya-chan--" "For the love of-- don't call me that, bastard!" I snapped, not aware that his tone had changed.

"--I wonder how long Tsuna will be like this..." he said, completely ignoring my outburst just now. "Don't call Jyuudaime like that so casually!" I snapped before walking faster, trying to get away from that baseball-freak.

But before I was completely away from him, he grabbed my shoulder and slamed me into the wall. "What the f***k!! That hurts, you--" I wasn't able to finish my sentence when I saw his eyes. They were staring sharply at me, as if he was staring at my soul. I shivered a little.

"Seriously, when will Tsuna be normal again?" he asked. His tone was serious, not like his usual self which sends some tingling feeling down my spine. Not only that, when I finally collected my mind, I finally realized the position I was in. And it was not good.

He had both arms between my head and my back was pinned to the wall. I was trapped. Like a mouse caught in a trap. F***k. "Hayato," he called out. I winced at his serious tone. "I-I don't know," I stuttered. Dammit!! I STUTTERED! In front of HIM no less! What the hell is wrong with me?!

"Isn't there a way...?" he asked. This time, he brought his face closed to me, so close, I can almost feel his breath against my neck. So close, we could be kissing right now if one of us leaned forward a little...

Goddammit! What the hell is wrong with me?! "R-Reborn-san said that he found a way. So go ask him, bastard! N-now back off!" I tried to snapped at him. God, I sounded like a girl. I can almost feel my face heating up.

The baseball-freak looked at me for awhile. I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze while trying to look away from his piercing stares. Dammit!! Stop looking at me!!

Finally, he backed off. I let out my breath that I hadn't realized I was holding. The baseball-freak broke into that same, f***king smile he had earlier on. "All right. I'll ask him later. Let's go wake Tsuna up now," he said cheerfully before continuing to walk.

I only stared at him before sliding down to the ground. I cupped my cheeks as I felt them heating up. By now, my heart was beating like crazy!! "What the f***k just happened?"

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