The Shot

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The story is about to end. Everything will be revealed. Want to know? Then, you have to read!!

OOCs and OCs ahead. Deal with it.


An ear-splitting scream could be heard inside the mansion alerting everyone. All the guardians, even Hibari and Mukuro, ran to the room where the scream was heard. Without pause, they burst into the room, weapons readied, and saw an unexpected scene. Almost.

On the king-sized bed, a brunet was laying underneath a white-haired man wearing a sly smile on his face. "Byakuran, get the hell off me!!" The brunet cussed. "Hmm~? And why should I? Is it wrong to give a hug to my friend~?" The brunet glared at the man towering above him as he tried to push him away.

"Please! I need to go to the bathroom!" He lied. Half-lied. Tsuna noticed the guardians AND Reborn staring at him and Byakuran at the doorway. He even knew that Byakuran noticed too, but chose to ignore them.

Tsuna grew desperate. He turned his head towards the group and looked at them with eyes saying 'help me!'. Gokudera, as usual, screamed about touching his Jyuudaime as he tried to peel Byakuran off of Tsuna. The moment Tsuna was free, he dashed towards the bathroom and locked the door. Not without saying (shouting) thank you at Gokudera.

"What the heck are you doing here?" Gokudera growled at Byakuran after awhile. "Hmm~ I came here to play with Tsu-kun~" Byakuran answered. Gokudera 'tch'ed. Just as he was about to say more, the bathroom door opened and Tsuna walked out. "Eh? Why's everyone still here?" Tsuna asked. "To make sure this marshmallow-freak doesn't attack you again, Jyuudaime," Gokudera answered while glaring at Byakuran who only smiled in return.

Tsuna blushed when he recalled what happened earlier. "U-um yeah. L-let's go get breakfast, ok?" Tsuna stuttered as his cheeks went red. Reborn only smirked while Yamamoto laughed.

Everyone was seated, even Byakuran who decided to join them. As they were having breakfast, the guardians, as usual, made a mess. Usually, Tsuna would have freezed them by now but seeing as how Tsuna is still not himself, (everyone forgot about this. Don't deny it) he only shrunked in his seat as he watched the food wars raging in front of him.

Everyone knew Tsuna isn't in his normal self, so they kept throwing food at each other without any worries. (Such a waste of good food) But one person held a suspicion towards Tsuna. His onyx eyes gleamed in curiousity as he watched Tsuna. 'Something's not right,' he thought.

After the guardians ran out of ammo, (meaning no more food to throw) they finally settled themselves and Tsuna sighed in relief. "U-um, now that everyone's done, let's go to the garden?" Tsuna asked. "Haha! Sure! That would be good!" Yamamoto said. Gokudera 'tch'ed. "I was supposed to say that, you baseball-freak!"

Tsuna only chuckled as he watched his storm and rain bicker. As they walked along the hallways towards the garden, Tsuna's hyper intuition went haywire. He tried to hide his pain as he battled with his headache. But this didn't go unnoticed by the great hitman. Reborn only tilted his fedora down to hide his frown.

When they arrived at the garden, Tsuna could hold it no more. He dropped to his knees as he clutched his head. All the maids who were there panicked and the guardians except Hibari and Mukuro went beside Tsuna asking if he was alright. Unfortunately, due to his massive headache, he couldn't really hear what they were saying. Only one thing was on his mind. 'He's here.'

Without even looking at the others, Tsuna tried to stand up. The ones who were near him tried to help but was gently pushed away by Tsuna. Tsuna slowly limped to the center of the garden. His head pounding violently as the same sentence kept repeating. 'He's here.' The guardians only watched him with a concerned look.

When he arrived at the center, he immediately dropped to his knees. Seeing this, Gokudera quickly rushed towards Tsuna. But before he could reach him, a gunshot was heard and Tsuna's body fell to the ground with a sickening thud. Gokudera's eyes went wide. "JYUUDAIME!!"

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