Tears from The Gentle Sky

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Lately, I've noticed that I've wrote 1000+ words. I was like "what?! No way!". If you ever think that it's too long and boring, please comment. This way, I'll do a better chapter.

Ok, now that that's settled, it's time to continue the story.
OOCs ahead. Deal with it.
And please be reminded that Tsuna's personality is random. Since he's having a fever and all that. Honestly, I don't know what Tsuna supposed to be or where this story is going.

"Kufufufu, are you sure Vongola? What Chrome had seen was only a fraction of my memories. If you accept all of it, there's a chance that you will lose your mind," I said with a smirk. The Vongola closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again. His eyes were filled with determination. "I-"
Mukuro's P.O.V
"I'm ready," he said. Kufufufu, so the Vongola thinks that he could face the horrors of my memories? "Kufufufu, it is settled then. Do not blame me if anything happens to you, Vongola," I said to him. Kufufufu, if it was his usual self, I doubt he would do this.

"Mukuro, surround the three of us with mist. I don't want the others to know. And please," he looked at me with a soft gaze. "Please wait for me to return," he said with a smile. His smile, it was soft and his eyes were warm and full of kindness and acceptance that I felt something strange in my heart. But I ignored it and smirked at the Vongola.

"Kufufufu, it seems you're confident that you will still be sane after going through this, Vongola," I said. He chuckled. "Of course. I'm still needed here so I have to come back whether I like it or not. Besides, I still have a family to take care of." I scoffed at his statement before I put my hand on his head. I lit my ring and a violet flame appeared.

"Chrome, cast an illusion around us," I ordered her. "Y-yes, Mukuro-sama," she replied and lit her ring. Then, she cast a decent illusion around us. "Vongola, be prepared to see a nightmare you never imagined. A nightmare that will eat your sanity. The dark truth that surrounds me and Nagi," I said. He closed his eyes and slowly drifted to sleep.

Author's P.O.V
Tsuna woke up and found himself in a dark room. The room was small and there's only one door. Tsuna got up and tried to open it but failed because the door was locked from the outside. Frustrated, Tsuna went to the corner of the room only to notice that his clothes had changed. He was wearing something similar to a hospital gown and it was white. Not only that, he noticed how small his hands where.

While he was wondering what happened, the door suddenly opened and a kid was shoved in. The kid fell on the hard ground as the door closed again. After Tsuna's eyes had adjusted with the darkness, he looked at the kid that just entered. The kid was a boy and he wore the same cloth as he did. The only difference was the red stain on the boy's cloth. Tsuna quickly registered it as blood.

Filled with worry, he dashed to the boy's side and tried to help him. "Hey, are you okay?" Tsuna squeaked. Tsuna was surprised with his voice. It sounded like the voice when he was six years old. The boy heard Tsuna's voice and tried to stand up. Tsuna tried to help but his hand was slapped away by the boy. "Kufufu, I don't need your sympathy," said the boy.

That's when Tsuna realised that the boy in front of him was his male mist guardian, Mukuro. "Mukuro?" Tsuna squeaked before he covered his mouth with both of his hands. The young Mukuro looked at Tsuna with a menacing look. "How did you know my name?" he asked.

Tsuna trembled in fear. He began to panic. 'Hieee! How should I answer?!' Tsuna thought panickly. Then he remembered the man that he saw when the door opened. "I-I heard some man c-called you that," Tsuna stuttered. Mukuro only stared at him for a moment before he looked away. Tsuna sighed in relief.

Tsuna then stared at his guardian. His eyes wondered around Mukuro's body. He saw scars and cuts and bruises all over Mukuro's visible body parts. He even noticed the eye patch Mukuro was wearing over his supposed red eye. He couldn't help but be curious and ask. "U-um....w-what happened?" Mukuro stayed silent. Tsuna decided not to ask until he found the right time to ask again.

It's been days since he stayed in the dark room with Mukuro and everyday, Mukuro would be taken away by the men wearing white lab-coat only to return wth another set of fresh scars,cuts and bruises. Tsuna tried to stay silent since Mukuro always glared at him when he asked but Tsuna could hold no more when one day, Mukuro came back with his right eye bloodied. The blood was still dripping fron his eye.

He rushed towards Mukuro and attacked him with questions. "Mukuro! Are you alright?! What happened?! What did they do to you?!" Tsuna asked frantically. Mukuro glared at Tsuna and tried to push him away but Tsuna didn't budge despite his small frame. "They did something to your eye, did they?! Tell me, what did they do?!" Tsuna insisted.

Before Mukuro could speak, the men came in and dragged Mukuro away. Tsuna tried to stop them but shockingly, they went past through him, as if he was ghost. Mukuro was also shocked but he was unable to do anything. Tsuna ran and follow them.

Tsuna watched them forcefully dragged Mukuro into a room filled with many equipments. There were many stains of blood. Some were old and others were still new. Tsuna felt dizzy but he ignored it, too worried about his mist guardian. Mukuro was strapped on a metal bed-like chair. There, Tsuna watched in horror as the men operated Mukuro's right eye.

The scene was too much for the kind-hearted Tsuna. When he tried to stop them, an explosion happened. Tsuna was pushed back, slamming on a wall in the process. When Tsuna regained his senses, he saw Mukuro smiling and laughing. Around him laid the men's body. Pools of blood oozed out. Tsuna watched this scene with a broken heart.

"Mukuro," he called out softly. He walked slowly towards Mukuro. He walked over the dead bodies while saying Mukuro's name. When Tsuna finally stood in front of Mukuro, his tears had flown down. Without any second thought, he hugged Mukuro tightly. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't save you," he whispered. He repeatedly said sorry as he cried until darkness engulfed him.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a white ceiling. "Where am I?" he asked to no one in particular. When he looked to his right, the sight of someone he knew surprised him. "But that's--!"

To be continued

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