1- Fleeing

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"Take this Jacqueline, it's $100, it should get you wherever you need to go and get you settled. Remember to go somewhere a little more secluded okay? There will be less a chance of something to happen to you. Take the car too, we won't need it anymore. I don't think we can get out of this." My mother told me with tears running down her face.

It was almost midnight. My parents are sending me away so I don't get put in a foster home or killed. They're being taken to prison tomorrow.

"Are you sure there isn't any way daddy can get you both out of this ma?" I asked with tears running down my cheeks in return.

"No baby I'm sorry. I love you Jackie. Don't forget to write so we know you're okay, but don't use your real name okay? You'd better get going baby. I love you." My mom said as she gave me one last hug. I got in the red Mustang and started driving. I planned where I was going the day before. I knew exactly where I needed to go. I wiped my tears away and toughened up. Tears wouldn't solve anything.

You might wonder why my parents are telling me to flee our home. I don't blame you. It's very confusing but I'll try and simple it down.

Me and my family were poor when I was younger, but my dad had always aspired to be a politician and eventually become the Mayor of New York City and make it a better place for everyone. He made a bad mistake and chose to use the help of a very dangerous and powerful mob boss nearby to gain popularity, no matter how hard my mom begged him not too. The mob loaned him a hefty amount of money for his campaigning and such.

About a year ago is when he was one of the most famous candidates for Mayor in New York. Unfortunately, recently my father made another bad mistake of missing a payment with the mob. Next thing I knew, the current Mayor was murdered by the mob, but they had made up a bunch of fake evidence to frame my dad and mom both. My parents want me to leave the state so I don't get in trouble with the mob as revenge or put in some crappy foster home.

So here I am, in my dad's red Mustang, at 16 years old, driving across the country from New York City to Tulsa, Oklahoma. Let's just say this is not what I planned to be doing on a Thursday night.

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