18- First Taste*

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*Smut Warning*

I woke up in my bed. My bed? How the fuck was I on my bed if I slept on the floor with Dally? That came out wrong. I slept on the floor next to Dallas.

I rolled over to look at Dal but he was gone. I decided that was my call to get up and get dressed before he came back.

After getting dressed I went to the bathroom to reapply my makeup. Some people might think that makeup shouldn't be a priority when I'm getting followed by a mob from New York, but it makes me feel hot as fuck so I don't give a shit.

The door opened as I brushed mascara across my eyelashes. I looked over to see Dally looking at me through the mirror.

I went back to layering the mascara. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked, watching him in the mirror continuing to stare.

"Just watching. It's interesting I guess." He said with a straight face. "Why's it interesting?" I asked while switching to my other eye.

"I dunno, guess it's just odd that you're worried about getting killed by a mob but you still take your time to put a bunch of shit on your face."
He said with a small grin like he was trying to insult me.

I scoffed at him. "Yeah, well this 'shit' makes me feel hot, so if I die, I'll die looking sexy at least." I said with a small smile.

"Yeah well I think you look better without it." He muttered. I almost didn't hear him.

I put the makeup away when I was done and started walking back to my room, him following. As I put the makeup in the bedside table drawer I spoke up. "Hey how did I get back in my bed? Did I go there in the middle of the night? Sorry."

"Nah I put you there after I woke up so you weren't laying on the floor." He answered. I turned around to face him. He was in the same spot as last night. Back against the door, his arms crossed.

"You, Dallas Winston, who doesn't give two shits about anyone, much less where they sleep, moved me to my bed so I wasn't sleeping on the floor?" I laughed.

"Shut the hell up." He scoffed and turned his head the opposite direction. I let out a last small giggle.

For some odd reason, whenever I looked over at him and into his eyes when he turned back towards me, my thoughts immediately went to the night at Buck's.

I remembered everything. Walking up and smashing my lips against his, him kissing just as hard back.

What the hell am I thinking about? We were both drunk and both regretted it... right? I don't think I really actually regretted it, but knowing he did is what made me think so.

"Why are you staring at me?" He asked, throwing me out of my thoughts. "Nothing." I snapped back quickly.

"You're lying." He said uncrossing his arms. "Why do you need to know everything?" I asked, crossing my arms in annoyance.

"I don't like secrets, I don't like when people keep things from me, especially if we want the same thing." He answered. "I know what you're thinking about. You're thinking about a few nights ago, two doors down in my room."

"How the hell do you-" I started before I was cut off. "Because that's all I've thought about. When you came up and kissed me, I mean, I can't even explain that shit. I wanted you as soon as that first night Buck walked you through those damn doors. I've thought about that night because it's a shame I can't remember how it felt." He said with a straight face.

Fuck. That was hot. I think it was funny how much of a dick he was trying to sleep with me when I first got here, but now he recites a whole damn speech of how badly he wanted to experience it sober.

I couldn't say anything. I felt the same way. And I think he knew by the red on my cheeks and how my breathing got heavier.

He walked over and grabbed the back of my neck with one of his hands gently placed his lips on mine. I kissed back just as gently placing both my hands around his neck.

I wanted to taste him so badly, I wanted to kiss him more passionately, I wanted to be as close as possible to him. I bit his bottom lip begging for his tongue.

"Fucking slut." He mumbled through the kiss. He opened his mouth, letting my tongue enter.

Our tongues danced around each other as we started to kiss harder and faster. The taste of whiskey and cigarettes in his mouth was good in some weird fucked up way. It was so addictive and I couldn't get enough.

He slid his free hand up my shirt and grabbed my waist. His cold hand against my bare skin had made a small moan escape from my mouth into his, which I could feel him grin at.

My tongue happily was getting more of his taste as my hands made my way up to his hair. I started gripping and pulling his hair, begging for more of him.

His cold hand slid up my body and around my back, he started to unclasp my bra. Fuck, I wanted him so bad.

I took one of my hands, releasing his hair, and slid it down his body. I reached the bottom of his shirt and snaked my hand under it and around his back and pushed us closer. Our bodies were not fully touching each other and I could feel his hard bulge against my lower stomach.

He almost had the last clasp on my bra undone. It was hot how he could do that with one hand.

His hands. Fuck, his cold big hands. I wanted them all over me. I wanted them inside of me. The thought of them alone made me moan into his mouth again.

"Fuck you're so hot." He mumbled into my mouth. His hand grabbed my neck even harder, as the other fought with my bra.

My hands were also busy. One hand still tangled in his hair, tugging and pulling. The other hand clawing his back in arousal, the feeling of his hands on me making me practically feral.

I heard my bra unsnap, he had gotten the last clasp undone. He frantically moved both his hands to my arms, throwing my jacket off of me first, then he went to get my T-shirt off.

He was so close to pulling my shirt off my body until we were rudely interrupted by a knock at my door.

God fucking damn it.

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