14- A Helping Hand

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After Soda hung the phone up I realized how fucking pathetic I sounded. Dear god, I get I was scared but why was I crying like a baby and couldn't breathe.

I couldn't help it though. The way that man avoided the light so I couldn't see his face, the way he slowly stalked in the pitch black night truly did scare the living shit out of me. I sat on the bed and tried taking deep breaths to calm myself down until Soda arrived.

After just a few minutes, there was a soft knock on the door. "Hey Jackie, it's me Soda." He said quietly but reassuringly.

I got up and unlocked the door and opened it, just staring at him for a second while still trying to recollect myself. I hadn't really shown any of the gang this vulnerable side of me. I was really glad it was Soda that answered the phone.

I watched his facial expressions as he examined my face. The mascara that had run down my cheeks, the paleness mixed with the pink blush on my cheeks from being nervous, my hair that was tangled and frizzy from running so fast and raking my hands through it nervously. I'm sure he was shocked he was seeing me in this state too.

I turned around and walked to the bed. I sat on the edge of it as I looked down and put my hands on my face for support. I heard him walk in the room and close the door.

"Are you okay?" He asked in a low, quiet voice. I took a deep breath before answering. I looked up at him. "I think."

He walked over with his hands on his hips and sat down on the bed next to me. He wrapped an arm around me and rubbed my back.

"It's okay Jackie. We'll just start walking with you okay? Whoever that was, it was probably just someone bein an asshole alright?" He asked while moving the hair in my face behind my ear so he could see my face.

I nodded my head and looked back at him. In that moment the adrenaline wore off and now I was just extremely exhausted.

"If I stay here will you help you sleep better?" He asked with his eyebrows raised. "Yeah, I'd be okay with that, thanks Soda." I said as he nodded with a small smile and got up from the bed.

I threw my jacket onto the floor and kicked my shoes off, getting under the covers under the bed. I looked over and realized Soda was on the ground leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and eyes closed.

"Soda? You don't have to sleep on the floor, you can sleep in the bed, I don't bite kid." I said as I threw my head onto the pillow. I slept on the side closest to the wall, and facing the wall. I felt Soda get into the bed next to me and put his back against mine.

I couldn't sleep, I think Sodapop was asleep but I couldn't. I was still stuck on the "what if" thoughts. What if that man did chase after me? What if he did catch me? What if-

"Jackie, go to sleep." Soda's voice jolted me out of my thoughts. "I'm trying." I whispered back.

In that moment he turned over and wrapped his arms around my stomach. I paused for a moment. "Soda, you're doing this as just a friend right? You know I don't feel that way about you, you're like a brother." I whispered while staring at the wall.

"Yeah Jackie, I don't think of you that way either. You're like a twin sister to me, since we're the same age y'know. It's the same as Ponyboy sleeping in the same bed as me. Just brotherly love, although I obviously don't hug him to sleep." He answered while we both giggled.

Going to sleep was easy after that. I was glad Soda had come. He really was my best friend, and I'm glad I could rely on him. I would shoot him if I found out he tells anyone about this though, and he knows that.

As I drifted off to sleep, I had a dream. A dream that it was Dallas next to me, and not Soda. It was a weird dream, I didn't think of Dallas in that way I don't think, I think it's just cus' I was worried about him. I hope he's okay. I hope he comes back tomorrow, I know the gang is awfully worried about him.

I woke up from that dream to Soda softly snoring in my ear. Yeah, brotherly love alright. He was annoying like a brother too in that way then.

I finally drifted back off the sleep.

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