10- Truth

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I drove around Tulsa mindlessly, I had no where in mind to go. After about an hour I went to the DX to get some gas, and I saw Soda and Steve in their uniforms.

They came out to see me while I pumped my own gas. "I didn't know you were working today Soda, I went by your house." I said while taking off my gas cap. "What'd ya stop by for?" He asked curiously. "I'll tell you later. I almost skipped town cus' of it. Dal convinced me to say, Dallas I mean." I said correcting myself. Me and Dallas weren't friends, I had no reason to call him 'Dal'.

"I'm sure it wasn't that bad right" Soda laughed. I just looked at him and didn't respond. I wanted to tell him right then and there but I knew it was better to wait until I could tell everyone later tonight. I didn't want to lie to them and put them in danger for me without their knowledge y'know?

"I'll tell y'all later okay?" I said as I got in my car and drove off to Buck's. I just wanted to nap.


That night at the Curtis house I waited until everyone was there. I told them everything. The letter, the mayor, the mob, everything and every detail. Including that Dallas convinced me to stay in town and why. Let's just say they were pretty shocked that Dallas said and did all that.

"Well I hate to break it to you but there's no way in hell we're risking ourselves for you. We met you less than a month ago." Steve announced with a smirk.

Sodapop jerked his head to Steve. "How could you say that? She's done so much for us? Maybe not for you because you've been nothing but a wise ass to her, and yet she's still nice to ya!" He yelled.

"Soda's got a point." Two-Bit started. "Hasn't she bought Pony a bunch'a books n shit for school? And she's let Johnny stay at her room at Buck's plenty of times so he didn't have to go home. A-and remember that time we helped Dally hide from the cops when he almost killed at guy, and we only knew him for 2 weeks!"

It got quiet again. Everyone looked over to Darry for what he thought. He was the adult, the mature one, he would tell them what they were gonna do right? He was in deep thought.

"Two's right. She's helped us an awful lot, and I've noticed everyone's been out of trouble with her around. If we helped Dallas when we first knew him we can help her too. There's still a big possibility that they won't even come here too." Darry spoke with his eyes looking around the room at everyone.

Steve didn't like this decision and walked out of the house slamming the door. Again, he can kiss my ass.

I stood up from the couch. "Listen I can tell you guys aren't completely comfortable with this, and honestly I wouldn't either if it was one of you no offense. It won't hurt my feelings I promise. I'll leave tomorrow. Thank you guys for everything." I announced as I left the house before anyone could object.

I went to Buck's so I could get a good nights rest before driving across the country again.


I was awoken from my sleep by three soft short knocks on my door. I got up and cracked it open to see who it was. It was Johnny.

"Johnny what are you doing here? It must be midnight!" I asked while pulling him into my room and shutting the door.

"Don't leave. Please." He asked while staring at me. "You're the only one that doesn't baby me, treat me like a puppy. You treat me like a normal 16 year old and I really appreciate that y'know? Because to everyone else I'm just this sad little puppy that can't ever be alone." He said with a serious expression.

I started to open my mouth but nothing came out. "And Jackie, it may not seem like it, but ole Dal's real fond of ya. He's been stayin' out of trouble with you around and I don't think it's a coincidence. I'll meet you here tomorrow morning and I'll walk you to the Curtis' or the DX or wherever you need." He stopped talking and then just walked out of my room.

Well then I guess I'd better unpack all my clothes again huh.

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