7- Nosy

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I woke up to hearing a loud creak in the room. I slightly open my eyes and who do I see? Dallas Winston standing at the desk reading my letters I had written the night before.

I jumped out of bed. "Who the hell do you think you are to read people's business? These didn't say your name, do you have no respect for others? Are you ever nice?" I yelled as I snatched the letters from his hand. "I'm never nice Jaqueline." He snapped back. "Why the hell did you call me that how do you know my name?" I asked defensively.

"Soda told me it, he said you go by Jackie but I thought maybe that was a friends only thing." He mumbled back with a sneer. "Well are you slow in the head? Did he say it was friends only thing? Jesus Christ fucking stupid aren't you." I said as I gathered my things and put my shoes on. I shoulder checked him as I left the room.

I was just about to leave out the front door until Soda came over. "Where ya goin so fast? Didn't Dal tell you breakfast was ready?" He asked concerned. "No Sodapop, I woke up to Dallas reading my personal letters, he didn't even try to wake me up. Thanks, but I'm not hungry anymore." I snapped back as I left the house.

I didn't mean to snap back at Soda like that, he didn't deserve it. Dallas on the other hand deserved everything I said. I really couldn't believe he was just supposed to tell me breakfast was ready but instead he chose to invade my business like that. God I really didn't need anyone in this town to know my life, I've literally only been here for like 3 days now.

I walked back to Buck's place. I decided I should probably get all the things out of my car and put them in my room. So I did, it didn't take me long luckily. I only took my clothes and a few personal things with me, like my notebook, some stationary, and my ma's jewelry box.

When I was done, I went back to my car so I could find a post office. I finally found one after a while. I walked in and the man greeted me as I asked him for two envelopes.

I put both letters in the envelopes separately. I only put the return address on my mother's letter. I then put both addresses for the separate prisons they were sent too. I put my name as 'Vicki Rose'. My mother told me to use a fake name, so I used Rose as the last name since it's my middle name, so only my parents would know it was truly me.

I gave them both to the postman and he gave me a small smile. I smiled back, but inside I was worried how much of those letters Dallas read, and if he told anyone else about it. I walked to my car and started to drive home to Buck's.

Honestly the whole mob situation made me paranoid. Dallas has a New York accent, what if he somehow knew or was with the mob? No that can't be, he's been living here for years. Unless maybe they could call him? God I should just stay in my room and sleep all day, maybe that would help me stop thinking about this so much.

As I pulled into Buck's the paranoia got worse. I didn't think about how powerful the mob really is when I first got here. But now I'm more sober and energized, my head is more clear. If a mob from New York City wants to do something or have a goal, they're gonna get what they want. If they wanted me dead as payback for my dad, I would be dead. I couldn't trust anyone.

I ran to my room and locked it behind me.

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