20- Killing Time

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We headed down the stairs, the group of boys hiding me from Buck as we headed to the door so we didn't lose the 300 dollars from him.

We snickered and had sly grins on our faces as we made it outside, just to go back to being annoyed when we looked at my car.

All four tires were slashed and deflated. What the actual fuck. You're fucking joking.

I threw my hands up and went to get a closer inspection of my car. When I got closer, I noticed a note trapped under the windshield wiper.

I snatched it and read it quickly.

Easy way or hard way. You pick Moorson. Meet us at the "Dingo" tonight; 10 pm sharp. Alone. Fail to show up and it'll hurt more.
-your friends.

Fuck. My nostrils flared in anger, I was pissed off. I was so sick of this shit. I went to back up but I hit someone. Dallas was behind me reading the note over my shoulder.

"Hell no you can't go alone." He whispered. "They won't kill me in a diner Dal, I have too. Cmon let's go get the money." I said as I walked away and handed the note to Soda so he could read it as we walked to Two-Bits house.


After going to Two-Bit's house, I had all the money. I was extremely nervous on the inside but I wasn't going to let it show and be more vulnerable than I already was.

To pass time, we went to the drive in theater, like the first time we ever hung out. Two, Steve, and Soda started going under the broken part of the chain link fence again. Dally started to follow them but I pulled him back before we went in.

I grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and pulled him close, putting his ear close to my mouth.

"Listen, don't piss me off again like last time we were here alright? But if you try and kiss me I don't think I would be able to deny that anymore." I muttered into his ear and let go of his jacket, going under the fence before him.

Dallas sat next to me, whispering a bunch of dirty things in my ear the entire time. I fake giggled at some of them just to keep him happy but honestly I couldn't pay attention to him or the movie.

Time ticked by and all I could think about is the possibilities of what could happen tonight. They could easily deny the money, they could take me away, shoot me and hide me in a ditch until someone finds my rotting body.

A nudge on my shoulder pulled me from my thoughts.

"Calm down Jackie. It'll be okay, I promise." Dallas quietly reassured so no one else would hear him. He couldn't risk his reputation to comfort me, I don't blame him, I wouldn't either.

"Don't promise the outcome of something you can't control the outcome of." I whispered back and got up from my seat.

It was only about 4, so the drive in wasn't very busy. Mostly old people who go to bed early. The movie also was stupid and boring, and I didn't really give a shit about it, so there really wasn't anything keeping me here.

As I walked the streets alone, I shoved my hands into my pockets, feeling all the cash in my right one.

"Are you out of your damn mind?" A voice spoke from behind me. I turned around to face Dallas. Steve and Sodapop were behind him. "I thought you were just getting a Coke, you can't just leave when there's people trying to kill you." He said sternly as they three boys caught up to me.

I ignored everything he said. "Where's Two-Bit?" I asked. Dal scoffed. "He went home." Sodapop answered. I nodded my head.

"Hey Jackie, when you go to the diner tonight, me and Steve are gonna come in together about 10 minutes after you do, just to watch over." Sodapop announced.

"Okay, but if it goes wrong just leave, don't help me I can help myself." I responded. "Soda when the hell did you decide that? I'm going too." Dallas piped up.

"Hey stupid, if you walk in they'll know you're there for her and they'll kill us all. You fought them, I'm sure they'll remember you." Steve pointed out. Dallas didn't want to agree with him so he just rolled his eyes and muttered profanity's under this breath.

We went to Soda's house to eat dinner and watch TV with the rest of the gang. By the time me and Dallas walked out to head to the lot it was 8 o'clock. Soda and Steve stayed behind just in case someone was following me and saw me with them.

Me and Dallas made it to the lot. I wanted to go alone but of course he wouldn't allow that. "I just came here to pass time Dal, no reason for you to come." I said kinda annoyed.

"Yeah well, I ain't got nothin else to do. And you don't need to be out here alone." He responded in the same annoyed tone.

"Y'know it's weird how much of a dick to me you were when we first met, and now you won't let me out of your sight." I said with a scoff.

"Yeah well when I first saw you, you were just another hot chick I wanted to bang, but now that I know you, and the gang knows you, you're more than that." He answered while sitting on an old mattress against a tree.

I sat down on the mattress next to him and sighed. "Dal, I don't know what's going to happen tonight. There's so much I haven't done y'know? I just pray to God I can get myself out of this." I wasn't really talking to him, just kinda talking to make myself feel better.

I didn't think he would answer but he did. "What are some things you haven't done yet that you want too? You just seem like someone who does what they want whenever. Hard to believe there's still stuff you haven't done." He looked over at me.

I looked back at him, admiring his dark eyes and thick eyebrows in the moonlight. "Zip lining seems fun, uhh, learn to play the electric guitar" I said with a giggle, thinking of more things I wanted to do.

"Shoot a gun, be on TV, ice skate" I continued, looking away from him. "Oh yeah, and have sex, sober." I muttered.

Dallas had a confused grin on his face. "I said stuff you've never done idiot." He said leaning his head back to look at the sky. "I know." I snapped back.

He looked over at m with a serious face. "That night, that, that was your first time?" He asked, his eyes squinted. I let out a sigh and nodded my head. "You're joking right?" He asked looking back at the sky. "No." I answered sternly.

"Well shit. I didn't know, I wouldn't have done anything if I knew." Dallas said. "It's not your fault. I don't regret it, and I don't think it counts if I can barely remember it." I said with a small grin.

After sitting there in silence for a while, he checked the time on a watch he stole. "9:20, you'd better go huh?" He suggested. "Yeah, I better. Thanks Dal, for being out here." I said while getting up and walking away.

I stopped walking for a second and turned around. He noticed I was walking back and stood up. I walked up to him, he started to question me but I planted my lips on his and put my hands on both sides of his jaw.

I shoved my tongue into his mouth, getting one last quick taste before I had to go, in case I never saw him again. It took everything in me to pull away, but I did.

I turned around and walked away without a word said.

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