4- A Familiar Name

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My shift at the DX got done the same time as Steve's and Soda's did. It was about 3:15 when I clocked out and gathered my things. I started to head towards the door before a voice stopped me. "Hey Jackie, you need someone to walk you home? The socs around here are just gettin out of school, and they'd definitely mistake you for a greaser even if you don't call yourself one, and they'll hurt ya." Soda said sounding concerned.

"Thanks Soda but that's my ride" I said while pointing to my Mustang. His eyes lit up like he bought the car himself. I sighed. "Do you want me to drive you home Soda?" "Well I mean if it won't be a big bother of course." I gave a small nod and turned my head to Steve to see if he too wanted a ride home.

"Nah man I'm walking. You know I've gotta blade." He said while pulling it out and flashing the small switchblade. I walked out of the store with Soda following me to the car.

"Sorry if you wanted to sit in the back, I still have all my shit back there I need to unpack." I said while starting the engine. "Oh I don't mind. This your dad's car?" He asked while admiring the interior. "It was his, but I reckon he's gonna be in the cooler for a while, he's the one that sent me away with it anyway." I said while giving a blank stare. He started to point me in the direction towards his house.

Soda asked about my situation. I told him I was only 16, same age as him. I told him the entire story of why I was even in Tulsa. He looked like everything I said was the most dramatic movie he's ever watched. "Well I'm sorry to hear all that. Y'know you dig pretty well. I'm sure the gang would love you. Except for Dally. You gotta watch out for him because he's not a kind person." Soda said while we pulled up to his house. I nodded and shook his hand while he thanked me for driving him.


I walked into Buck's and headed straight towards the bar. It was pretty empty considering it was still kinda early. I was looking for Buck while I sat at a bar stool. I looked down and saw Buck, and started to overhear his conversation with the dark eyed boy that tried hitting on me.

Buck was half whispering but still loud enough for me to hear. Neither of them noticed me yet. "Cmon Dally, she's alright. She reminds me a little bit'a you. Plus she already payed for 3 months, no way I'm kicking her out."

Dally? Where did I hear that name? No way. No way this is the guy Sodapop was talking about. This 'Dally' had to be grown. What was Sodapop doing hanging around with him? All of a sudden they both looked over and noticed me.

They were talking about kicking me out, or atleast Buck was saying he wasn't going too. I gave 'Dally' a glare and went upstairs to my room. Sodapop didn't have to worry about me messing with him, cus I sure as hell didn't want shit to do with him.

I took a nap for about 2 hours. I woke up and decided I wanted some fresh air. I took my cigarettes with me. I smoke, but only in big spaces or outside. I fucking hate when someone else smokes in a small enclosed space it's rude and annoying.

I didn't know exactly where I was walking, but I was just walking. I took a long drag of my second cigarette and leaned against a lamppost. The night was a little chilly and I was thankful to have to leather jacket on.

All of a sudden a loud group of boys rounded the corner. One of them looked like... Soda? He must have noticed me too because he started to come over to me.

"Hey Jackie! You look like you ain't doin nothin. Why don't you come to the movies with us?" He said while flashing his movie star smile. I really didn't want to but Soda was the kind of person you couldn't say no to. I nodded and started walking with him and his friends.

"Jackie, this is the gang. This little one here is Ponyboy, he's my kid brother." Soda said while Ponyboy fake punched him. "That darker skinned one is Johnny. He's not that dark he just don't shower. And that loud one is Two-Bit, he likes to joke and is always drunk, don't take him seriously." Soda smiled while we walked.

Johnny looked awful shy and barely looked at me when Soda introduced everyone. Two-Bit however was indeed loud and very giggly. We were almost to the drive in when a dark tall shadow started to head towards our group. Sodapop smiled. "And this one here Jackie is the infamous Dallas Winston."

Of fucking course. Could I for real never catch a break from this guy? Jesus Christ. "Yeah I'm familiar with him." I snapped. They all looked at me confused while Dallas joined our group in walking to the movies. He tried walking closer to me. "Long time no see baby." He smirked. I then went to stand by Soda. I wasn't dealing with his shit.

God this was going to be one long movie.

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