10 Charlie meets Celestia

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Alabama, 6:00 AM

Train Station

Louis' POV

We arrive at Alabama's first train station. I can't get enough sleep thinking about what happened to us yesterday.

"We're here. I hope Maggie and Charlie arrive safely!" Allie said.

Duke still can't believe what happened to his mother; he doesn't even blink as I look at him.

"Love, Duke, I know you're grieving right now, but please talk to me!" Allie said, worried.

"Allie, just leave me alone. I need to be alone this time!" Duke responded, his eyes teary.

Allie approached me.

"Hey, Louis!" Allie said and smiled.

"Did he talk to you?" I asked.

"Not really. I’m giving him some time to move on!" Allie responded.

"Now, we're planning to see your grandmother here!" Allie added.

"Yeah, I hope I can see her again!" I said, missing my grandmother.

"Do you know what city she’s living in?" Allie asked.

"We have a farm in Montgomery, the capital city of Alabama. She’s living there with my aunt," I informed her.

We can't see anything outside because all the windows are splattered with blood. I try to wipe some off and see that many zombies are waiting for us to come out.

"Guys, we're not safe here. I see so many zombies outside," I informed them.

"Oh my God, zombies are everywhere!" Allie said.

Trevor woke up.

"I guess Maggie and Charlie can't meet us here!" Trevor said, and suddenly Duke approached us.

"So, what's the plan?" Duke asked.

"Love, you're with us now!" Allie said and hugged him immediately.

"I'm sorry, I just can't accept it right now, but I'll move on!" Duke said, his grief lessening.

We discussed our plans and eventually work it out.

"Let the games begin!" I said softly.

We came out of the train, shot the zombies near us, and ran fast out of the station.

Tea Shop Nearby

"Thanks for the tea!" Allie said softly while we all sipped hot tea.

"So, where are you all from?" the shopkeeper asked.

"We're from Florida, previously in Georgia, and we got here to Alabama," Allie responded.

"Are you traveling the United States in the middle of a zombie outbreak?" the shopkeeper asked and laughed.

"Not really, but we have goals to achieve!" Allie said.

"Goals? What are your goals?" the shopkeeper asked.

"Our goal is to meet our loved ones and get to the safe zone in Arizona!" Allie said.

"Safe zone in Arizona? Do you still believe that news from Mr. Dawson? Zombies are everywhere; there’s no safe zone!" the shopkeeper argued.

"You're right; zombies are everywhere, but I still believe there's a safe zone and we'll get there when the time comes!" Allie said.

"Anyway, you can stay until tomorrow here at my tea shop if you don't have a place to go!" the shopkeeper said.

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