30 Big Mouth

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Maggie's POV

We're still inside the military vehicle, waiting for them to come back. After some time, I finally see them walking towards us. Louis and I get out to approach them, noticing their sad faces.

"What happened there? Where is Allie?" I asked, teary-eyed. Yvette shakes her head.

"Allie is dead in the woods," Akira said, in tears.

"I don't believe it," I said, crying.

"Sorry, but hunters found a body earlier, and it is indeed Allie. We recognized her clothes," Yvette said. Duke is in tears, shooting bullets into the sky.

"You better save her now," Lenox said.

"What? What are you saying?" Duke asked.

"I feel your deep love and friendship with each other. Even as the world is falling apart day by day, you still continue to survive for each other. So, I mustn't hide the truth from you all, even if my life is at risk. Atticus, the leader of the hunters, commanded while you were all sleeping in my camp tent to frame up the woman's body. The body you buried earlier is not really your friend Allie. The real Allie is caged somewhere in the woods. When she fell from the sky that night, my other hunters took her immediately to Atticus. As they knew you were looking for her, he decided to frame up the body," Lenox informed us.

"Allie is indeed alive," Duke shouted, running back into the woods.

"Wait, Duke," Akira said, running after him.

We all run into the woods, feeling relieved as we have a chance to save Allie. We will kill whoever Atticus is. We reach their hideout, preparing for something.

"What's their plan?" I asked Lenox.

"Atticus is planning to hunt more humans, especially women, to feed the Big Mouth," Lenox informed us.

"Big Mouth? Who is that?" Duke asked.

"It's not a human being. It's another species of zombie with a big mouth. That's why we call it that. Atticus believes the Big Mouth is his god who brings him luck in life. The Big Mouth is a zombie without eyes, but it's capable of hearing even very quiet sounds. Atticus always feeds the Big Mouth inside the cave, and your friend is the next victim," Lenox said.

"Let's kill the hunters!" Yvette said.

"It's not that easy. They are hunters as skillful as me, but I dislike that Atticus keeps feeding the Big Mouth. He just considers us slaves. We can't fight him back; he's dangerous. So, we have to keep an alliance with him, but now it should be over," Lenox informed us.

"We should take away their weapons," I suggested.

"You're right. We have a place where we hide our weapons. Go near that tree," Lenox said.

"Come with me, Yvette and Akira," I said.

"So, we're going after Atticus and the Big Mouth to save Allie?" Louis asked.

"You're right. Let's get it over with," Duke said.

Yvette, Akira, and I start walking towards the tree to take away their weapons. As we walk, some hunters see us.

"What are you doing here, beautiful woman?" a hunter said, grinning.

"Yes, I am a beautiful woman but dangerous," Akira said, killing him with her double blades. Yvette uses her sword to fight another hunter, striking his head and killing him. I use my assault rifle to shoot the hunter coming in. We throw the box of weapons into the river, and it sinks down. Suddenly, a sharp spear hits Akira in the chest, causing rapid bleeding.

"Akira!" I shouted, worried, seeing her fall down with blood pouring from her chest.

"Am I going to die?" Akira said, trembling.

"Don't die here, please!" I said, in tears.

"You're my greatest friends I've ever known. I'm tired. I guess I have to sleep now," Akira said as her last words and closes her eyes with tears.

We see the hunter who threw the spear grinning at us. Yvette, enraged, runs towards the hunter and fights him, blood splattering everywhere, until she repeatedly stabs the hunter, killing him.

Duke's POV

We're walking inside the cave, holding our weapons. Suddenly, we see some hunters coming out, and Lenox stabs them with his spear so that we can't make any loud noise. We reach the middle of the cave, seeing Allie unconscious inside a cage. Atticus is kneeling near the Big Mouth Zombie, praising it.

"Big Mouth, this is my offering to you: a woman again!" Atticus said, opening the cage, but we stop him.

"Don't make any move, Atticus, or you will be shot dead," Lenox shouted.

"What are you saying, Lenox? You're a traitor," Atticus shouted back.

"Not really. You are the traitor. You made us your slaves to hunt humans and feed that freak zombie!" Lenox shouted.

"Shut up!" Atticus shouted, suddenly shooting a spear at Lenox, but he dodges.

"You betrayed us!" Lenox shouted, throwing a spear at him, but Atticus dodges it too.

"You can't kill me. I have my god. Big Mouth, kill them!" Atticus shouted, commanding the zombie.

It walks slowly towards Atticus, seemingly following his command, but suddenly, the Big Mouth eats Atticus' head, killing him. We immediately shoot the Big Mouth, but it dodges quickly. We're worried because it comes near the open cage where Allie is. We walk slowly in silence near the cage. I remove and carry Allie away. As we're walking out, the Big Mouth attacks, so we run. It hears our steps. Suddenly, the cave starts collapsing. Unfortunately, Lenox sacrifices himself to save us from the Big Mouth. Louis snipes the Big Mouth exactly into its mouth, killing it. We couldn't save Lenox as the cave gets covered with huge rocks. We finally save Allie and decide to come back to the military vehicle, seeing Yvette and Maggie waiting for us.

"You're all back!" Maggie shouted, in tears, as I carry the unconscious Allie.

"Where is Akira? What happened?" Louis asked.

"She couldn't make it. A hunter threw a spear at her chest," Yvette informed us, feeling melancholy.

We immediately come inside the military vehicle to treat our wounds, seeing Sergeant Gregory and Charlie deeply sleeping. We feel melancholy about what happened to Akira, but fate chose it. Duke is in tears, seeing Allie alive and breathing, but until now we can't see any sign that she will wake up, though we still hope she will soon.

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