03 Shopping Cart

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We get out of the grocery store with the supplies we need, killed all the approaching zombies, and arrive at the mall.

Florida Mall

2:00 PM

Allie's POV

It's really a new century; look at those zombies with shopping carts, it's like they're just casually shopping.

"I guess our skateboards are just temporary weapons; we need something like guns or knives," Louis utters.

"Yup, you're right, but we still need our skateboards to escape," I respond.

"Look at those candies and chocolates," Charlie says and runs towards them.

"Charlie, you can get millions of those; we're in a zombie outbreak, it's totally free!" I shouted to him as he runs.

"He always wanted to go to the mall, but we always ran out of money," Maggie said to me.

"So, I guess that's one advantage of this zombie outbreak," I responded.

Louis comes back with a shopping cart full of weapons.

"People, look what I found," Louis said with a grin.

"Goodness gracious, how did you get all of this!?" I said to him, laughing.

"Well, it's the outbreak; we can own whatever we want in this mall!" Louis jokes, and we both laugh.

Then, Charlie comes back with his shopping cart full of candies and chocolates.

"Charlie, what happened to you? You have chocolate on your face!" I laugh and wipe his face.

"I bet we can live in this mall forever. Let's go check out the luxury cars!" I said to them.

The luxury cars are near the cashier area.

"Look at that car, so luxurious. I dream of riding in that. Let's get it," I muse.

As I touch it, the security alarm rings!

Suddenly, there's a noise coming from the cashier area...

"Guys, did you hear that!? We're not alone here; someone's in the cashier area. Get ready!" Maggie said.

A woman emerges, and we point our weapons at her.

"Who are you?" Maggie asked.

"Don't kill me, my husband is waiting for me. I'm Chelsea, the cashier. You can't leave without paying; you're stealing from the mall," she shouted.

"Girl, it's a zombie outbreak; don't try to stop us!" I respond, annoyed.

"Even during a zombie outbreak, you should follow the rules. Be humane," the cashier girl said.

"Follow the rules? There are no rules in this world after the zombie outbreak. We live and we survive, that's it," I argue.

"She's right, we can't just take all of this. It's stealing," Maggie said.

"Really, Maggie!? I'm upset."

"Just kidding, you can take whatever you want; it really is a zombie outbreak. I was just testing if I could trust you," the cashier said.

"Gosh, girl, you give me mixed emotions!" I said to her.

"You want to ride that luxurious car? Here's the key!" the cashier girl smiles at me.

"By the way, you said your husband is waiting for you. Where did he go?" I asked.

"It's a long story, but he works in New York. We were planning to build our family there, but the zombie outbreak happened," she informs us with tears.

"I'm sorry, but we heard the news last time about what happened in New York," Maggie said.

"Yeah, I heard that too, but I'm still hoping he escaped the city," Chelsea said.

Zombies start growling...

"Zombies are coming, we need to leave now!" Louis says.

"Get inside the car!" I shouted immediately.

Gunshots are heard outside the mall...

"Did you hear that!?" Maggie said.

"It's the gang, they're coming for us!" Chelsea said.

"What's with the gang!?" I asked her.

"They kill zombies like us, but they torture humans who oppose them," Chelsea informs us.

"You need to leave now!" Chelsea added.

"Aren't you coming with us!?" I asked her.

"No, just go," she said.

I start the engine, speed fast, and break through the glass doors of the mall, but the gang stops us. There are many of them, pointing guns and snipers at us.

Charlie starts to get scared and cry.

"If you want to leave, get out of the car now!" the man said.

"Are we going to leave this car!?" Louis asked us.

"Stop this nonsense, Nolan!" Chelsea said, pointing a gun at the man.

"Oh, my wife is here. Sorry, my ex-wife," he said.

"What, that's her husband!?" I am surprised, and we all get out of the car.

"What's happening, Chelsea? You lied to us!" Maggie says.

"I'm sorry, I thought he would change!" Chelsea apologizes.

"Even now, you're still lying. That's why we separated; you are a liar!" Nolan shouts.

"Now, boys, take the car and get more weapons from the mall," Nolan commands.

"No, you can't do that!" Chelsea argues and shoots Nolan in the upper arm.

Zombies are snarling, approaching them.

"You'll regret this!" Nolan yells angrily.

Suddenly, Chelsea runs towards Nolan, and he shoots her in the chest without hesitation. They both fall to the ground, and the zombies start to eat them.

The gang members start shooting and killing the approaching zombies, but there are too many, and they are all eaten.

More zombies are coming...

"Get inside the car! We need to leave now," I said to them, and we speed away in the car.

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