Chapter 1 - Familiar

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"You look good Ana," Xander, who was beside me compliments my overall as soon as I enter the back seat of the car. "Thank you, Xander. You looking good too yourself." I compliment Xander back, nudging him in the arm. He was my half- brother. He's around 13, the literal copy and paste of his parents. Black hair, sharp jaw and crooked nose.

We go to the same school. "We're here, good luck on your first day back to school!" Andrew, my adoptive dad says. We call him 'Paps' for no reason, and I got used to it ever since. "Bye Paps!" Me and Xander say in unison, Paps chuckle in response. It was the first day back to school after summer break.

I opened the car door and stepped out, slamming it shut immediately. I shook off the anxiety threatening to take over me as I started walking towards the school building, with Xander walking beside me.

Paps always drive us at school early, exactly 30 minutes before our classes start, which is fine to me because I have this fear of getting late and everyone is just staring at me when I enter.

"Hey, girl!" Natalia, my best friend catches my attention, she was at the threshold of the classroom, with her bag on one shoulder and the other hand holding her expensive-looking phone. Ever since I've switched schools and came here, she's always been friendly to me. Starting at the age of ten.

"Hey, Lia." I replied, smiling brightly. Natalia saunters to me and sits next to the desk on my right. We were on the third row of desks, there are 5 rows in total. "You look hot girl!" She compliments me, even though I still look the same as the last time she saw me. She though, looks like a whole different person, with her black hair short that is so damn straight, I'm jealous, my hair often gets frizzy. And her brand new phone, and long nails.

We talked for a couple of minutes until the classroom gets filed up with more students. Our advisor, Mr. Thompson who always arrives five minutes before our classes appears on the threshold.

"Students, good morning to all of you. May I have your attention?" Mr. Thompson says in his strong russian accent. We all turned to face him, he was still on the threshold, and then he walked over to his desk.

"Please close the door." He directs to a person entering the classroom, closing it so. Something about the person who just entered looks familiar, his face, somehow. He was tall, towering over Mr. Thompson. He has this black hair that I'm for sure is going in forty different directions, sharp jawline and cheekbones that is so sharp it can cut a paper. Button nose and hunter eyes. It wasn't until now that I realized he was looking directly at me. I broke the eye contact first.

The silence in the classroom was overwhelming, but thankfully Mr. Thompson finally spoke, "Students, this is Julian Holt. He's a transfer student from another school, and you all are to treat him with love and respect." Mrs. Thompson clamps the boy on the shoulder, he whispers something to him then points to me, my heart was on my throat. Then I realized he meant there's an unoccupied desk behind me.

Lia leans into my desk and whispers to my ear, "He's hot, yall probably look cute together." I look at her in disbelief and shook my head. "No, Lia, you say that to every boy." I whispered back to her, she shrugged her shoulder then the boy 'Julian' walked past us and sat on his chair.

I guess teenage romance doesn't work for me, maybe it's just my luck.
It's finally the last period and that 'Julian' boy is so quiet, maybe he's shy. But why do I even care? At lunch, we're all permitted to eat in the classroom because sometimes the cafeteria gets too crowded, and he ate in the classroom.

I was just about to write something else in my notes until the bell rings, indicating it's time to conclude the classes and head home. I stood up and got my things, I waited for Lia and we both headed out. Me and Lia's house are not so far from each other so Lia's mom drives me home after school.

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