Chapter 14 - Remember

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It was November 16 2024. I remember it all too well, the look of my mom and dad's face, the blood, their intertwined hands. I was on my knees, crying and crying because that's all I can do, I can't go back to time and save my own family from crushing, although crying won't bring them back. You know what's worser? Not knowing what to do, my sister Althea was nowhere to be found, and for as long as I know, she's just a baby, my baby sister-

The sound of a cars wheel screeching filled my ear and I turned my head towards the cause. I froze, not knowing what to do as a male and female exits the car, the female approaches me and kneels beside me, "Hey, darling, my name is Vivian. What's your name?" Vivian says and I stare at her. "M-my name i-is Anastasia -" I replied, not being able to stop the hiccuping. "Well, nice to meet you, Anastasia. We're going to call the police, okay? You stay here, don't move okay?" Vivian asks and I nod my head, I watch as she and the make go to the end of the road, holding a phone. I turn my head back to my parents, unable to stop crying, so I just cry more, burying my face in my hand.

"Hey, are you okay? Why are you crying?" A voice says, I wasn't sure if I was imagining it, but even if I was, I answered it. "This- is my ma- and pa-" I lowered my hand and just stared at my parents in horror. "What's your name?" The voice asked and I turned my head towards the source. It was a boy, maybe my age. He looked tall, even when he was kneeling beside me. He had black hair, and hunter eyes. "My- name- is Anastasia-" I answered through hiccups.

"Nathaniel! What did your mother say!? Stay in the car!" I turned my head around and saw the man shouting at the boy. So I guess his name is Nathaniel. "But dad-" Nathaniel says but gets cut off by his dad. "Go back in the car! You can't see this!" I watch his dad glare at him, I turn my head around to the boy and watch as he groans. I was still confused, I didn't know what was happening. I watch as he removes something from his neck, a necklace. He placed it on my hand and I just stared at it. It was a gold key necklace.

My eyes flew open and I tried to catch my breath, this dream was different, it wasn't the incident, it was about the boy's encounter. I remember the boy's name is Nathaniel...I snapped my head towards Julian's sleeping bag, but he wasn't there. I looked at my watch on my wrist and it was 2:46 AM. Where is he? I groaned and rose from my sleeping bag, opened the zipper of the tent and immediately spotted him sitting on one of the logs surrounding the now put-away campfire.

His head was down and he was all alone so I decided to approach him, "Hey," I said and I sat beside him. "Hey." He replied and watched me. "What are you doing here?" I asked him, rubbing my hands together. "I woke up, and I can't go back to sleep." He replies, crossing his arm on his chest. "Do you know why?" I asked him and I watched him shake his head.

"I had a little sister named Gigi, she was only seven years old." He says and that caught my attention, I raised my brows at him. "And what happened to her?" I asked him as he lowers his head. "She died, and it was my fault." He replied and I frown. "I'm sorry for your loss, but it's not your fault." I tried to reassure him even though I had no idea what happened.

"You don't know that, Ana," He says, shaking his head. "I wasn't paying attention to her..." He added and looked at his shoe. "We were out, I was buying her ice cream, one second I looked away then a car...I wasn't fast enough." He says, lifting his head to look at me. "Either way, it's not your fault, you didn't know it was going to happen. You did what you could." I replied in a soothing tone.

He was looking at me, as if studying if I was being sincere or not, but I was and I am.

"Let's go back, we don't want the teacher to catch us, don't we?" He says, clearly changing the topic. "Yeah, I guess." I replied, pushing off the log and going back to our tent with him trailing after me.

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